Certain Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Certain Success.

Certain Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Certain Success.

Luther Burbank has accomplished with plants even more extraordinary changes and developments in characteristics than have been achieved by the most expert trainers of animals.  He could not make a carrot into a calla; but he did take the dwarf natural calla plant and develop it into a splendid lily that bears flowers measuring a foot across the petal.  He also multiplied the characteristic colors of the natural calla and has evolved great blossoms of a score of shades, from pure white to jet black.

The noted plant wizard developed, too, the naturally small, hard, dry, sour prune and transformed it into a juicy, sweet fruit that is bigger and more delicious than our common plum.

He also succeeded in altering radically an element of the natural walnut, which had a characteristic covering skin of bitter tannin over the meat inside the nut shell.  For countless centuries walnut trees had been in the habit of covering the meat of their nuts with this tannin skin.  Luther Burbank trained selected walnut trees to give up this fixed bad habit, and to produce nuts the meats of which were not enveloped in bitter coverings.

[Sidenote:  Man Making]

Since expert trainers have been able to accomplish such marvelous changes and developments in the characteristics of lower animals and plants—­not changes in the form of life, but alterations so nearly miraculous that they seem almost to be changes in nature—­is there the least doubt that you, a man, excelling every other animal, and every plant in consciousness and intelligence, are capable of the most radical, elemental changes in your present self?

Cannot you, then, certainly develop and use to a much higher degree of activity and quality the MAN characteristics you now possess?  Of course you can!  You need but to learn the science of yourself—­to get full knowledge of what you are and of what you might be—­by studying the big, best qualities in you.  After that you will need to make the most of what you learn about your true self.  Intensive self-study will reveal to you all the possibilities of your enlarged and bettered personality.  When you know you have developed your biggest, best manhood, you certainly will feel increased power to sell your “goods.”

Of all living creatures, Man is the most adaptable, is capable of the greatest development, and responsive in the highest degree to desires from within and to influences from outside himself.  Only a stupidly ignorant man would hold to the belief that the elements of his character cannot be radically changed and developed.  At present you may be handicapped with what you have considered “natural disqualifications” for success.  Then study yourself thoroughly, one detail at a time.  Follow this self-analysis by intelligent practice in the active use of your best qualities, and determine to change your “disqualifications” into salable characteristics that will help you to succeed.

Project Gutenberg
Certain Success from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.