Certain Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Certain Success.

Certain Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Certain Success.

You have a degree of stability of character, otherwise you never would accomplish anything.  Increase your steadfastness by sticking to more purposes.

Similarly determination, self-control, tact, diplomacy, and good judgment are merely the natural results of continual practice to develop these mental qualities.

[Sidenote:  Emotional Qualities]

The principal emotional or heart qualities required in masterly selling are ambition, hopefulness, optimism, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, self-confidence, courage, persistence, patience, earnestness, sympathy, frankness, expressiveness, humor, loyalty, and love of others.  Think of these one by one, and realize how many of them you already possess to a considerable degree.

You may not be optimistic; perhaps you lack self-confidence, or maybe you are wanting in courage.  But with the possible exception of these three “heart” qualities of the master salesman, you are not deficient now in the emotional essentials of successful salesmanship.  You need only a higher degree of each.

Develop all your capability in the other qualities, and you will find you have become an optimist.  Your self-confidence, too, will grow as fast as you increase your ability.  When you are full of optimism and self-confidence, you will not find it difficult to create courage within yourself. Then you will have the complete emotional equipment of a master salesman. The exact way to develop courage with certainty is explained in the second chapter of “The Selling Process,” with especial reference to the professional salesman, who must meet his prospects courageously in all circumstances if he would succeed.

[Sidenote:  Ethical Essentials]

Nor is it hard for you to qualify yourself ethically for mastery of the selling process.  Surely your intentions are right.  You mean to be honest and truthful.  You can be of good moral character.  You expect to be reliable.  It should be easy for you to love your chosen work.

[Sidenote:  Spiritual Capacity]

There remains, finally, the essential of spiritual capacity for selling.  It comprises idealism, vision, faith, desire to serve, ability to understand other men.  Perhaps you are deficient in some of these spiritual qualities now.  But with idealism all about you in the spirit of the world cannot you, too, lift your eyes to higher purposes than the satisfaction of merely selfish desires?  Are you not able to look broadly, instead of narrowly at life?  You know you must have faith—­that you cannot make sure of success if you doubt.  Your mission as a true salesman of yourself should be to serve your prospects by satisfying their real needs for the abilities you have.  Love of others results from serving them with what you can supply that they lack.

In no respect, then, from personal good appearance to spiritual capacity, need you be other than your best possible self to qualify for certain success with the selling process.

Project Gutenberg
Certain Success from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.