Certain Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Certain Success.

Certain Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Certain Success.

[Sidenote:  Essentials of the Master Sales Man]

The result of the necessary changes and growth in your manhood will be an enlarged conception of all men—­your greater capacity to understand and to handle any one else successfully.

It is entirely possible for you to develop and cultivate every essential quality of the master sales-man, and still to be just yourself.

[Sidenote:  Good Appearance]

The high grade professional salesman makes the best appearance of which he is capable.  Surely you can do that, too.  You can train yourself to grace and ease in your bearing.  However unsatisfactory your features may be, you certainly are capable of looking pleasant, and therefore of being attractive.  It is possible for you to have well-kept hands and hair; to wear suitable, clean clothes; to be neat.

[Sidenote:  Physical Capacity]

First-class salesmanship requires, too, a high degree of physical capacity for the most effective performance of the selling process.  You need health, virility, energy, liveliness, and endurance, in order to sell effectively the idea that you are physically able to fill the job you want most.  Physical incapacity is a handicap in almost any vocation.  It can be remedied.  It must be remedied as fully as possible in your case.  You may not be very robust naturally, but you can make the most of the constitution you have, with certain success as the incentive for your fullest possible physical development.  Few of us are as well as we might be.

[Sidenote:  Mental Equipment]

Whatever your physical shortcomings, there can be no doubt that you are capable of developing all the essential mental equipment of the successful salesman.  You only need to comprehend a few elemental laws of mind science; and then to train yourself to the utmost of your particular ability—­in perceptive power, alertness, accuracy, punctuality, memory, imagination, concentration, adaptability to circumstances, stability, self-control, determination, tact, diplomacy, and good judgment.

Does this seem like a long list of difficult accomplishments?  Examine the items, and realize how easy it is to develop these mental qualities of masterly sales_man_ship.

Perception is simply looking at things with your mind as well as with your eyes.

Alertness is no more than mental sharp ears.

Accuracy results from taking pains to be right.

Punctuality is a habit of mind that anyone can develop.

Memory is acquired by practice in remembering things.

You use some imagination every day—­use all your imaginative power.

Likewise you occasionally concentrate your thoughts.  More exercise in concentration will develop this mental characteristic.

You adapt yourself to circumstances when necessary, or when you choose.  You can train yourself so that you will be prepared to meet anything that may happen.

Project Gutenberg
Certain Success from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.