Three Wonder Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Three Wonder Plays.

Three Wonder Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Three Wonder Plays.

Jester:  Yes, I am Manannan, that men are apt to call a Jester and a Fool, and a Disturber, and a Mischief-maker, upsetting the order of the world and making confusion in its order and its ways. (Recites or sings.)

  For when I see a master
  Hold back his hireling’s fee
  I shake my pepper castor
  Into his sweetened tea!

  And when I see a plan make
  The Birds that watch us frown,
  I come and toss the pancake
  And turn it upside down!

  In this I follow after
  Lycurgus who was wise;
  To the little god of laughter
  I make my sacrifice!

And now here is my word of command!  Everyone into his right place!

Ogre:  Spare me!  Let me go this time!

Jester:  Go out now!  I will not bring a blemish on this sword by striking off your ugly head.  But as you have been through seven years an enemy to these young boys, keeping them in ignorance and dirt, they that are sons of a king, I cross and command you to go groping through holes and dirt and darkness through three times seven years in the shape of a rat, with every boy, high or low, gentle or simple, your pursuer and your enemy.  And along with that I would recommend you to keep out of the way of your own enchanted cats!

(Ogre gives a squeal and creeps away on all fours.)

Guardian:  I think I will give up business and go back to my old trade of Chamberlain and of shutting out draughts from the Court.  The weight of years is coming on me, and it is time for me to set my mind to some quiet path.

1st Dowager Messenger:  Come home with us so, and help us to attend to our cats, that they will be able to destroy the rats of the world.

2nd Dowager Messenger:  (To Princes.) It is best for you come to your Godmother’s Court, as your Guardian is showing the way.

1st Prince:  We may come and give news of our doings at the end of a year and a day.

But now we will go with our comrades to learn their work and their play.

2nd Prince:  For lying on silken cushions, or stretched on a feathery bed.

We would long again for the path by the lake, and the wild swans overhead.

3d Prince:  Till we’ll harden our bodies with wrestling and get courage to stand in a fight.

4th Prince:  And not to be blind in the woods or in dread of the darkness of night.

1st Wrenboy:  And we who are ignorant blockheads, and never were reared to know The art of the languaged poets, it’s along with you we will go.

5th Prince:  Come show us the wisdom of woods, and the way to outrun the wild deer, Till we’ll harden our minds with courage, and be masters of hardship and fear.

2nd Wrenboy:  But you are candles of knowledge, and we’ll give you no ease or peace, Till you’ll learn us manners and music, and news of the Wars of Greece.

Project Gutenberg
Three Wonder Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.