But although this case is proved on its face
To be what is called a priori
I cannot refuse to consider the views
Of the amiable lady before me. (Bows to 2nd
Dowager Messenger.)
In compliance to her I am ready to err
On the side that she leans to, of mercy,
For she has a kind tongue, and the prisoners are
But that they may not live to curse me,
I give out my decree, the left thumb shall
Kept in Court till the next time they’ll come.
And now if you please let whoever agrees
With my pledge turn down his own thumb.
1st Dowager Messenger: It is very just and right. (Turns down hers.)
Ogre: You’re letting them off too easy. They’re a bad example to the world. But to take the thumb off them is better than nothing! (Turns down both his thumbs.)
Guardian: (To Wrenboys.) Well, my dear pupils, I don’t see you turn down your thumbs.
1st Wrenboy: We cannot do it. (They cover their faces with their hands.)
Ogre: Get on so. I never saw the work I’d sooner do than checking youngsters!
Guardian: Where is the Executioner?
Servant: I sent seeking him a while ago, thinking he might be needed.
Guardian: Bring him in.
Servant: He is not in it. There was so little business for him this long time under your own peaceable rule, that he is after leaving us, and taking a job in a slaughter house out in foreign.
2nd Dowager Messenger: Maybe that is a token we should let them off.
Ogre: (Briskly.) I am willing to be useful; give me here a knife or a hatchet!
Servant: (To Ogre.) You need not be pushing yourself forward. (To Guardian.) There is a stranger of an Executioner chanced to be passing the road, just as I sent out, and he looking for work. He said he would do the job for a four-penny bit and his dinner, that he is sitting down to now.
Guardian: (Sitting up straight and taking up sword.)
Bring him in quick. It often seems
a curious thing that I,
Who in my ordinary clothes would hardly
hurt a fly,
Hold to the rigour of the law when I put
on gown and wig,
As if for mere humanity I didn’t
care a fig.
For once I’m seated on the bench
I do not shrink or flinch
From the reddest laws of Draco, or the
practice of Judge Lynch.
Servant: (At door.) Here he is now.
(Jester comes in, disguised as Executioner, a long cloak with hood over his head.)
Guardian: Here is the sword (hands it to him and reads), “In case of the first act of theft the left thumb is to be struck off.” There are the criminals before you. That is what you have to do.
Jester: (Taking the sword.) Stretch out your hands! There is hurry on me. I was sitting at the dinner I engaged for. I was called away from the first mouthful, and I would wish to go back to the second mouthful that is getting cold.