The fourth question and its four subdivisions, “But if the commissioners shall adjudge that the said treaties were formed with an inadequate or unauthorized representation of the Creek Nation, or that the treaties were held under circumstances of constraint or unfairness of any sort, so that the United States could not with justice and dignity request or urge a confirmation thereof, in this case shall the commissioners, considering the importance of the Oconee lands to Georgia, be instructed to use their highest exertions to obtain a cession of said lands? If so, shall the commissioners be instructed, if they can not obtain the said cessions on better terms, to offer for the same and for the further great object of attaching the Creeks to the Government of the United States the following conditions: First. A compensation, in money or goods, to the amount of $——, the said amount to be stipulated to be paid by Georgia at the period which shall be fixed, or in failure thereof by the United States. Second. A secure port on the Altamaha or on St. Marys River, or at any other place between the same as may be mutually agreed to by the commissioners and the Creeks. Third. Certain pecuniary considerations to some and honorary military distinctions to other influential chiefs on their taking oaths of allegiance to the United States. Fourth. A solemn guaranty by the United States to the Creeks of their remaining territory, and to maintain the same, if necessary, by a line of military posts,” was wholly answered in the affirmative. The blank to be filled at the discretion of the President of the United States.
The fifth question, viz, “But if all offers should fail to induce the Creeks to make the desired cessions to Georgia, shall the commissioners make it an ultimatum?” was answered in the negative.
The sixth question being divided, the first part, containing as follows, viz, “If the said cessions shall not be made an ultimatum, shall the commissioners proceed and make a treaty and include the disputed lands within the limits which shall be assigned to the Creeks?” was answered in the negative.
The remainder, viz: “If not, shall a temporary boundary be marked making the Oconee the line, and the other parts of the treaty be concluded?”
“In this case shall a secure port be stipulated and the pecuniary and honorary considerations granted?”
“Is other general objects shall the treaties formed at Hopewell with the Cherokees, Chickesaws, and Choctaws be the basis of a treaty with the Creeks?” were all answered in the affirmative.
On the seventh question, viz, “Shall the sum of $20,000 appropriated to Indian expenses and treaties be wholly applied, if necessary, to a treaty with the Creeks? If not, what proportion?” it was agreed to advise and consent to appropriate the whole sum, if necessary, at the discretion of the President of the United States.
The President of the United States withdrew from the Senate Chamber, and the Vice-President put the question of adjournment, to which the Senate agreed.