Continental Monthly - Volume 1 - Issue 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about Continental Monthly.

Continental Monthly - Volume 1 - Issue 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about Continental Monthly.

’On the fourth day after our arrival at Constantinople the princess sent to me the eunuch Sunbul, the Indian, who took me by the hand and conducted me into the palace.  We passed four gates, near each one of which were benches, with armed men, the captain occupying a raised platform covered with carpets.  When we had reached the fifth gate, the eunuch Sunbul left me and entered; then he returned, accompanied by four Greek eunuchs.  These latter searched me, for fear lest I might have a knife about me.  The chief said to me, “Such is their custom; we can not dispense with a minute examination of whoever approaches the emperor, whether a high personage or one of the people, a stranger or a native.”  This is also the custom in India.

’After I had submitted to this examination, the guardian of the gate arose, took my hand, and opened.  Four individuals surrounded me, two of whom took hold of my sleeves, while the other two held me from behind.  They conducted me into a grand audience-hall, the walls of which were in mosaic; the figures of natural productions, whether animal or mineral, were there represented.  In the middle of the hall there was a brook, both banks of which were bordered with trees; men stood on the right and on the left, but no one spoke.  In the centre of the hall of reception stood three other men, to whom my four conductors confided me, and who took me by the garments as the first had done.  Another individual having made a sign to them, they advanced with me.  One of them, who was a Jew, said to me in Arabic, “Fear not; it is their custom to act thus towards strangers.  I am the interpreter, and am a native of Syria.”  I demanded of him what salutation I ought to make, and he replied, “Say—­May blessing be upon you!”

’I arrived, finally, at the grand dais, where I beheld the emperor seated on his throne, having before him his wife, the mother of the princess.  The latter, with her brothers, were stationed at the foot of the throne.  At the right of the sovereign there were six men, four at his left, and as many behind him; all were armed.  Before allowing me to salute him, or to approach nearer to him, he made me a sign that I should sit down for a moment, in order to recover from my fear.  I did so, after which I advanced nearer, and saluted him.  He invited me, by a gesture, to sit, but I did not comply.  Then he questioned me on the subject of Jerusalem, the blessed rock (of Jacob), the holy sepulchre, and the cradle of Jesus, Bethlehem and Hebron, Damascus and Cairo, Irak and Asia Minor.  I replied to all his demands, the Jew performing the office of interpreter between us.  My words pleased him, and he said to his children, “Treat this man with consideration, and protect him!” Then he caused me to be clothed with a robe of honor, and assigned to me a horse, saddled and bridled, as well as an umbrella from among those which were carried over his own head—­which was a mark of protection.  I prayed him to designate some one who should ride

Project Gutenberg
Continental Monthly - Volume 1 - Issue 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.