Simon Called Peter eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 447 pages of information about Simon Called Peter.

Simon Called Peter eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 447 pages of information about Simon Called Peter.

Julie was the very spirit of devilment and fun.  So light that she seemed hardly to touch the table, she danced as if born to it.  It was such an incarnation of grace and music that a little silence fell on them all.  To Peter she appeared to dance to him.  He could not take his eyes off her; he cared nothing what others thought or saw.  There was a mist before him and thunder in his ears.  He saw only her flushed, childlike face and sparkling brown eyes, and a wave of her loosened hair that slipped across them....

The music ceased.  Panting for breath, she leaped down amid a chorus of “Bravo’s!” and held out her hand for the liqueur-glass.  Peter put it in her fingers, and he was trembling more than she, and spilt a little of it.  “Well, here’s the best,” she cried, and raised the glass.  Then, with a gay laugh, she put her moistened fingers to his mouth and he kissed them, the spirit on his lips.

And now Elsie must show herself off.  They sat down to watch her, and a more insidious feeling crept over Peter as he did so.  The girl bent her body this way and that; arched herself over and looked at them between her feet; twisted herself awry and made faces at them.  They laughed, but there was a new note in the laughter.  An intense look had come into Pennell’s face, and Donovan was lolling back, his head on one side, smiling evilly.

She finished and straightened herself, and they had more of the liqueur.  Then Tommy, as usual, remembered herself.  “Girls,” she said, “we must go.  It’s fearfully late.”

Donovan sat up.  “What about taxis?” he demanded.

Peter went to the door.  “They’ll fetch them,” he said.  “I’ve made an arrangement.”

He went a little unsteadily to find the maitre d’hotel, and a boy was despatched, while he settled the bill.  They were tramping down the stairs as he came out of the little office.  Julie leading and laughing uproariously at some joke.  Donovan and Tommy were the steadiest, and they came down together.  It seemed to Peter that it was natural for them to do so.

Pennell and Elsie got into one taxi.  She leaned out of the window and waved her hand.  “We’re the luckiest,” she called; “we’ve the farthest to go.  Good-night everyone, and thanks ever so much.”

A second taxi came up.  “Jump in, Julie,” said Tommy.

She got in, and Peter put his hand on the door.  “I’ve settled everything, Donovan,” he said.  “See you to-morrow.  Good-night, Tommy.”

“Good-night,” she called back, and he got in.  And next minute he was alone with Julie.

In the closed and darkened taxi he put his arm round her and drew her to him.  “Oh, my darling,” he murmured.  “Julie, do you love me as I love you?  I can’t live without you.”  He covered her face with hot kisses, and she kissed him back.

“Julie,” he said at length, breathlessly, “listen.  My leave’s come.  I knew this morning.  Couldn’t you possibly be in England when I am?  I saw you first on the boat coming over—­remember?  And you’re due again.”

Project Gutenberg
Simon Called Peter from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.