From Death into Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about From Death into Life.

From Death into Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about From Death into Life.

Behind the figure of Moses, is a man standing with his arms crossed on his breast, looking at the brazen serpent.  He has evidently obtained life and healing by a look.  On the other side, I observed that there were four kinds of persons represented, who were not doing as this healed one did to obtain deliverance.

First, there is one who is kneeling in front of the cross, but he is looking towards Moses, and not at the serpent, and apparently confessing to him as if he were a priest.

Next behind him is one lying on his back, as if he was perfectly safe, though he is evidently in the midst of danger; for a serpent may be seen at his ear, possibly whispering “Peace, peace, when there is no peace.”

Still further back from the cross there is a man with a sad face doing a work of mercy, binding up the wounds of a fellow-sufferer, and little suspecting that he himself is involved in the same danger.

Behind them all, on the background, is a valiant man who is doing battle with the serpents, which may be seen rising against him in unabating persistency.

I observed that none of these men were looking at the brazen serpent as they were commanded to do.  I cannot describe how excited and interested I became; for I saw in this illustration a picture of my own life.  Here was the way of salvation clearly set forth, and four ways which are not the way of salvation, all of which I had tried and found unavailing.  This was the silent but speaking testimony of some unknown denizen of a cloister, who lived in the beginning of the fifteenth century, in the days of ignorance and superstition.  But notwithstanding this darkness, he was brought out into the marvellous light of the Gospel, and has left this interesting record of his experience.

Like him, I also had fought with serpents, for I began in my own strength to combat with sin, and strove by my own resolutions to overcome.  From this, I went on to do good works, and works of mercy, in the vain hope of thus obtaining the same for myself.  Then, I relied in the Church for salvation, as God’s appointed ark of safety; but not feeling secure, I took another step beyond, and sought forgiveness through the power of the priest.  This I found was as ineffectual as all my previous efforts.  At last, I was brought (by the Spirit of God) as a wounded and dying sinner, to look at the Crucified One.  Then (as I have related), I found pardon and peace.  Ever since it has been my joy and privilege (like Moses pointing to the serpent) to cry, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).  “I have determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified;” that is, to tell only of the person and office of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Nearly twenty years have elapsed since the period at which this book closes,* and, during all that time I have verified the truth and reality of the teaching and experience I have recorded in this volume.  All these years, with their months, weeks, and days have passed by, and have found me continually rejoicing in the work of the Lord—­often wearied in it, but never of it—­often tempted to falter, but al ways enabled to persevere.  I have seen many rise and start well, who have collapsed or retired; many who have blazed like a meteor for a short time, and then disappeared from the scene.

Project Gutenberg
From Death into Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.