From Death into Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about From Death into Life.

From Death into Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about From Death into Life.

“If you had stayed last night,” I said, “I might have helped you.  How did you come to break your pledge?”

“Oh,” he said, “it came to my mind that when I signed, I was only thinking of beer and spirits, not wine; so I took some, and it flew to my head; and soon I was as bad as ever.”

“Now,” I said, “you have renounced wine and all; have you?”

“Yes, I have.”

“Well then, will you give your heart to God also?”

In course of conversation it came out, that this man’s first impressions were effected some years before, by a dream, or vision of Christ on the cross.  He was passing by, but, somehow, turned to look at it; when, to his surprise, he saw that the eyes of the figure were looking at him.  As he approached, the figure appeared to be standing on the ground, and beckoning, when a sudden fear came over him; he stopped, and the vision faded away.  Ever since that time, he had felt that Jesus was the Friend he needed; and that nothing less would satisfy him.

Unfortunately, too many, like this man, stop at a critical point of their history; and, often, the crisis is not prolonged for them, as it was for him.

A long time ago there was a sinner arrested by a similar vision.  He says, in a hymn which he wrote, giving a description of it:—­

“I saw One hanging on a tree,
In agony and blood,
Who fixed His languid eyes on me
As near the cross I stood.”

He continues,

“My conscience felt and owned its guilt;” and when he did so, he received a second look, which spoke forgiveness to him, as distinctly as the first look brought him under conviction.

I charged this man to make his surrender, and to own or acknowledge himself the sinner for whom Jesus died.  On doing so, he obtained forgiveness and peace, and has since, by grace, been enabled to live a happy, consistent, and devoted life, and has been a blessing to many souls.  No sooner had he found the Saviour, than immediately he began to plead for and with his friend James.  I know not what passed between them; but that same evening he brought him to me with a heart prepared to receive Christ.  We had only to point him to Jesus, and encourage him to thank God, when he realized the truth in his own experience.

So that Monday I rejoiced over five people brought to the Lord; and then the work began in real earnest.  Every week after that, remarkable conversions took place, besides many ordinary ones.  Some of these, including the one just mentioned, are described at length in tracts, and are also published in a volume entitled “Building from the Top, and other Stories;” but, notwithstanding this, a brief allusion to them in this narrative may not be out of place, being so particularly connected with the work here.

A woman called me into her cottage one morning as I was passing by, and told me of her son, a steady young man, though still unconverted, for whom she had prayed continually ever since his birth.  She said, when he was a very little child, she heard him one night sobbing and praying in his room—­“O Lord, save me up for a good boy!” She thought this was in answer to her supplication; but as he grew up he became thoughtless and careless, like too many others of his age.

Project Gutenberg
From Death into Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.