Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight.

Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight.
hold talk with him.  I ween well that ye are Sir Gawayne that all the world worships, whose honour and courtesy are so greatly praised.  Now ye are here, and we are alone (my lord and his men being afar off, other men, too, are in bed, so are my maidens), and the door is safely closed, I shall use my time well while it lasts.  Ye are welcome to my person to do with it as ye please, and I will be your servant” (ll. 1208-1240).
Gawayne behaves most discreetly, for the remembrance of his forthcoming adventure at the Green Chapel prevents him from thinking of love (ll. 1205-1289).  At last the lady takes leave of the knight by catching him in her arms and kissing him (ll. 1290-1307).  The day passes away merrily, and at dusk the Lord of the castle returns from the chase.  He presents the venison to Gawayne according to the previous covenant between them.  Our knight gives his host a kiss as the only piece of good fortune that had fallen to him during the day.  “It is good,” says the other, “and would be much better if ye would tell me where ye won such bliss” (ll. 1308-1394).  “That was not in our covenant,” replies Gawayne, “so try me no more.”  After much laughing on both sides they proceed to supper, and afterwards, while the choice wine is being carried round, Gawayne and his host renew their agreement.  Late at night they take leave of each other and hasten to their beds.  “By the time that the cock had crowed and cackled thrice” the lord was up, and after “meat and mass” were over the hunters make for the woods, where they give chase to a wild boar who had grown old and mischievous (ll. 1395-1467).
While the sportsmen are hunting this “wild swine” our lovely knight lies in his bed.  He is not forgotten by the lady, who pays him an early visit, seeking to make further trial of his virtues.  She sits softly by his side and tells him that he has forgotten what she taught him the day before (ll. 1468-1486).  “I taught you of kissing,” says she; “that becomes every courteous knight.”  Gawayne says that he must not take that which is forbidden him.  The lady replies that he is strong enough to enforce his own wishes.  Our knight answers that every gift not given with a good will is worthless.  His fair visitor then enquires how it is that he who is so skilled in the true sport of love and so renowned a knight, has never talked to her of love (ll. 1487-1524).  “You ought,” she says, “to show and teach a young thing like me some tokens of true-love’s crafts; I come hither and sit here alone to learn of you some game; do teach me of your wit while my lord is from home.”  Gawayne replies that he cannot undertake the task of expounding true-love and tales of arms to one who has far more wisdom than he possesses.  Thus did our knight avoid all appearance of evil, though sorely pressed to do what was wrong (ll. 1525-1552).  The lady, having bestowed two kisses upon Sir Gawayne, takes her leave of him (ll. 1553-1557).
Project Gutenberg
Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.