Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight.

Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight.

[Sidenote A:  The knight carried neither spear nor shield,] [Sidenote B:  In one hand was a holly bough,] [Sidenote C:  in the other an axe,] [Sidenote D:  the edge of which was as keen as a sharp razor,] [Sidenote E:  and the handle was encased in iron, curiously “graven with
  green, in gracious works.”]
[Sidenote F:  Thus arrayed the Green Knight enters the hall,] [Sidenote G:  without saluting any one.] [Sidenote H:  He asks for the “governor” of the company,] [Sidenote I:  and looks for the most renowned.] [Footnote 1:  looks like gracons in Ms.]


232 [A] Ther wat3 lokyng on lenþe, þe lude to be-holde,
For vch mon had meruayle quat hit mene my3t,
Þat a haþel & a horse my3t such a hwe lach,
[B] As growe grene as þe gres & grener hit semed,
236 Þen grene aumayl on golde lowande bry3ter;
Al studied þat þer stod, & stalked hym nerre,
[C] Wyth al þe wonder of þe worlde, what he worch schulde. 
For fele sellye3 had þay sen, bot such neuer are,
240 For-þi for fantoum & fayry3e þe folk þere hit demed;
[D] Þer-fore to answare wat3 ar3e mony aþel freke,
& al stouned at his steuen, & stonstil seten,
[E] In a swoghe sylence þur3 þe sale riche
244 As al were slypped vpon slepe so slaked hor lote3
in hy3e;
I deme hit not al for doute,
[F] Bot sum for cortaysye,
248 Bot let hym þat al schulde loute,
Cast vnto þat wy3e.

[Sidenote A:  Much they marvel to see a man and a horse] [Sidenote B:  as green as grass.] [Sidenote C:  Never before had they seen such a sight as this.] [Sidenote D:  They were afraid to answer,] [Sidenote E:  and were as silent as if sleep had taken possession of them;] [Sidenote F:  some from fear and others from courtesy.]


[A] Þenn Arþour bifore þe hi3 dece þat auenture byholde3,
& rekenly hym reuerenced, for rad was he neuer,
252 & sayde, “wy3e, welcum iwys to þis place,
[B] Þe hede of þis ostel Arthour I hat, [Fol. 94b.]
Li3t luflych adoun, & lenge, I þe praye,
& quat so þy wylle is, we schal wyt after.”
256 [C] “Nay, as help me,” quod þe haþel, “he þat on hy3e syttes,
To wone any quyle in þis won, hit wat3 not myn ernde;
Bot for þe los of þe lede is lyft vp so hy3e,
& þy bur3 & þy burnes best ar holden,
260 Stifest vnder stel-gere on stedes to ryde,
[D] Þe wy3test & þe worþyest of þe worldes kynde,
Preue for to play wyth in oþer pure layke3;
& here is kydde cortaysye, as I haf herd carp,
264 & þat hat3 wayned me hider, I-wyis, at þis tyme.
3e may be seker bi þis braunch þat I bere here,
[E] Þat I passe as in pes, & no ply3t seche;
For had I founded in fere, in fe3tyng wyse,
268 [F] I haue a hauberghe at home & a helme boþe,
A schelde, & a scharp spere, schinande bry3t,
Ande oþer weppenes to welde, I wene wel als,
Bot for I wolde no were, my wede3 ar softer.
272 Bot if þou be so bold as alle burne3 tellen,
Þou wyl grant me godly þe gomen þat I ask,
bi ry3t.”
[G] Arthour con onsware,
276 & sayd, “sir cortays kny3t,
If þou craue batayl bare,
Here fayle3 þou not to fy3t.”

Project Gutenberg
Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.