Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 256 pages of information about Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4).

Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 256 pages of information about Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4).

Q. 530. {125} When does the Church teach infallibly?  A. The Church teaches infallibly when it speaks through the Pope and Bishops united in general council, or through the Pope alone when he proclaims to all the faithful a doctrine of faith or morals.

Q. 531.  What is necessary that the Pope may speak infallibly or ex-cathedra?  A. That the Pope may speak infallibly, or ex-cathedra, (1) He must speak on a subject of faith or morals; (2) He must speak as the Vicar of Christ and to the whole Church; (3) He must indicate by certain words, such as, we define, we proclaim, &c., that he intends to speak infallibly.

Q. 532.  Is the Pope infallible in everything he says and does?  A. The Pope is not infallible in everything he says and does, because the Holy Ghost was not promised to make him infallible in everything, but only in matters of faith and morals for the whole Church.  Nevertheless, the Pope’s opinion on any subject deserves our greatest respect on account of his learning, experience and dignity.

Q. 533.  Can the Pope commit sin?  A. The Pope can commit sin and he must seek forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance as others do.  Infallibility does not prevent him from sinning, but from teaching falsehood when he speaks ex-cathedra.

Q. 534.  What does ex-cathedra mean?  A.  “Cathedra” means a seat, and “ex” means out of.  Therefore, ex-cathedra means speaking from the seat or official place held by St. Peter and his successors as the head of the whole Church.

Q. 535.  Why is the chief Church in a diocese called a Cathedral?  A. The chief Church in a diocese is called a Cathedral because the bishop’s cathedra, that is, his seat or throne, is erected in it, and because he celebrates all important feasts and performs all his special duties in it.

Q. 536.  How many Popes have governed the Church from St. Peter to Pius XI.?  A. From St. Peter to Pius XI., 261 Popes have governed the Church; and many of them have been remarkable for their zeal, prudence, learning and sanctity.

Q. 537.  What does anti-pope mean, and who were the anti-popes?  A. Anti-pope means a pretended pope.  The anti-popes were men who by the aid of faithless Christians or others unlawfully seized and claimed the papal power while the lawful pope was in prison or exile.

Q. 538.  Why must the Pope sometimes warn us on political and other matters?  A. The Pope must sometimes warn us on political and other matters, because whatever nations or men do is either good or bad, just or unjust, and wherever the Pope discovers falsehood, wickedness or injustice he must speak against it and defend the truths of faith and morals.  He must protect also the temporal rights and property of the Church committed to his care.

Q. 539.  What do we mean by the “temporal power” of the Pope?  A. By the temporal power of the Pope we mean the right which the Pope has as a temporal or ordinary ruler to govern the states and manage the properties that have rightfully come into the possession of the Church.

Project Gutenberg
Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.