Q. 330. {62} What do you believe of Jesus Christ? A. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, true God and true man.
Q. 331. Cannot we also be called the Children of God, and therefore His sons and daughters? A. We can be called the Children of God because He has adopted us by His grace or because He is the Father who has created us; but we are not, therefore, His real Children; whereas, Jesus Christ, His only real and true Son, was neither adopted nor created, but was begotten of His Father from all eternity.
Q. 332. {63} Why is Jesus Christ true God? A. Jesus Christ is true God because He is the true and only Son of God the Father.
Q. 333. {64} Why is Jesus Christ true man?
A. Jesus Christ is true man because He is the Son
of the Blessed Virgin
Mary and has a body and soul like ours.
Q. 334. Who was the foster father or guardian of Our Lord while on earth? A. St. Joseph, the husband of the Blessed Virgin, was the foster-father or guardian of Our Lord while on earth.
Q. 335. Is Jesus Christ in heaven as God or as
A. Since His Ascension Jesus Christ is in heaven both
as God and as man.
Q. 336. {65} How many natures are there in Jesus Christ? A. In Jesus Christ there are two natures, the nature of God and the nature of man.
Q. 337. {66} Is Jesus Christ more than one person?
A. No. Jesus Christ is but one Divine Person.
Q. 338. From what do we learn that Jesus Christ is but one person? A. We learn that Jesus Christ is but one person from Holy Scripture and from the constant teaching of the Church, which has condemned all those who teach the contrary.
Q. 339. {67} Was Jesus Christ always God?
A. Jesus Christ was always God, as He is the second
person of the
Blessed Trinity, equal to His Father from all eternity.
Q. 340. {68} Was Jesus Christ always man?
A. Jesus Christ was not always man, but became man
at the time of His
Q. 341. {69} What do you mean by the Incarnation?
A. By the Incarnation I mean that the Son of God was
made man.
Q. 342. {70} How was the Son of God made man?
A. The Son of God was conceived and made man by the
power of the Holy
Ghost, in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Q. 343. {71} Is the Blessed Virgin Mary truly the
Mother of God?
A. The Blessed Virgin Mary is truly the Mother of
God, because the same
Divine Person who is the Son of God is also the Son
of the Blessed
Virgin Mary.
Q. 344. {72} Did the Son of God become man immediately after the sin of our first parents? A. The Son of God did not become man immediately after the sin of our first parents, but was promised to them as a Redeemer.
Q. 345. How many years passed from the time Adam sinned till the time the Redeemer came? A. About 4,000 years passed from the time Adam sinned till the time the Redeemer came.