Good Sir, ’tis very good,
would I had a house too,
For there is no talking in the open air,
233] My Tarmogant Couz, I would be bold to tell ye,
I durst be merry too; I tell you plainly,
You have a pretty seat, you have the luck on’t,
A pretty Lady too, I have mist both,
My Carpenter built in a mist I thank him,
Do me the courtesie to let me see it,
See it but once more. But I shall cry for
I’le hire a Chandlers shop close under
And for my foolerie, sell sope and whip-cord,
Nay if you do not laugh now and laugh heartily,
You are a fool couz.
I must laugh a
And now I have
done, couz thou shalt live with me,
My merry couz,
the world shall not divorce us,
Thou art a valiant
man, and thou shalt never want,
Will this content
Michael Perez:
I’le cry,
and then I’le be thankfull,
Indeed I will,
and I’le be honest to ye.
I would live a
swallow here I must confess.
Wife I forgive
thee all if thou be honest,
At thy peril,
I believe thee excellent.
If I prove otherwaies,
let me beg first,
Hold, this is
yours, some recompence for service,
Use it to nobler
ends than he that gave it.
Duke of Medina:
And this is yours,
your true commission, Sir,
Now you are a
You are a noble
Prince Sir,
And now a souldier,
Gentleman, we all rejoyce in’t.
Juan de Castro:
Sir, I shall wait upon you through all fortunes.
And I.
And I must needs attend my Mistris.
Will you goe Sister?
Yes indeed good
I have two ties,
mine own bloud,
And my Mistris.
Is she your Sister?
Yes indeed good
And my best Sister,
For she prov’d
so, wench,
When she deceiv’d
you with a loving Husband.
I would not deal so truly for a stranger.
Well I could chide
But it must be
lovingly and like a Sister,
I’le bring
you on your way, and feast ye nobly,
For now I have
an honest heart to love ye,
And then deliver
you to the blue Neptune.
Juan de Castro:
Your colours you
must wear, and wear ’em proudly,
Wear ’em
before the bullet, and in bloud too,
And all the world
shall know
We are Vertues
Duke of Medina:
And all the
world shall know, a noble mind
Makes women
beautifull, and envie blind.