Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife.

Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife.

Duke of Medina: 

      Preserve me but this once.


      There’s a deep well
      In the next yard, if you dare venture drowning,
      It is but dea[t]h.

Duke of Medina: 

      I would not dye so wretchedly.


      Out of a garret window I’le let you down then,
      But say the rope be rotten, ’tis huge high too.

Duke of Medina: 

      Have you no mercy?


      Now you are frighted throughly,
232] And find what ’tis to play the fool in folly,
      And see with clear eyes your detested folly,
      I’le be your guard.

Duke of Medina: 

      And I’le be your true servant,
      Ever from this hour vertuously to love ye,
      Chastly and modestly to look upon ye,
      And here I seal it.


      I may kiss a stranger, for you must now be so.

      [Enter Leon, Juan, Alonzo, Sanchio.]


      How do you my Lord,
      Me thinks you look but poorly on this matter. 
      Has my wife wounded ye, you were well before,
      Pray Sir be comforted, I have forgot all,
      Truly forgiven too, wife you are a right one,
      And now with unknown nations I dare trust ye.

Juan de Castro: 

      No more feign’d fights my Lord, they never prosper.


      Who’s this? the Devil in the vault?


      ’Tis he Sir, and as lovingly drunk, as though he had studied it.


      Give me a cup of Sack, and kiss me Lady,
      Kiss my sweet face, and make thy Husband cuckold,
      An Ocean of sweet Sack, shall we speak treason?


      He is Devilish drunk.

Duke of Medina: 

      I had thought he had been a Devil. 
      He made as many noises and as horrible.


      Oh a true lover Sir will lament loudly,
      Which of the butts is your Mistris?


      Butt in thy belly.


      There’s two in thine I am sure, ’tis grown so monstrous.


Butt in thy face.


Go carry him to sleep,
A fools love should be drunk, he has paid well for’t too. 
When he is sober let him out to rail,
Or hang himself, there will be no loss of him.

[Exit Caca. and Servant.

[Enter Perez, and Estifania.]


Who’s this? my Mauhound cousin?

Michael Perez: 

Project Gutenberg
Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.