Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife.

Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife.


      Come, let’s goe in, are all the rooms kept sweet wench?


      They are sweet and neat.
                                                     [Exit Perez.


      Why where’s your Husband?


      Gone Madam. 
      When you come to your own he must give place Lady.


      Well, send you joy, you would not let me know’t,
      Yet I shall not forget ye.


      Thank your Ladyship.

192] Actus Tertius

Scena Prima.

      [Enter Margarita, Altea, and Boy.]


      Are you at ease now, is your heart at rest,
      Now you have got a shadow, an umbrella
      To keep the scorching worlds opinion
      From your fair credit.


      I am at peace Altea,
      If he continue but the same he shews,
      And be a master of that ignorance
      He outwardly professes, I am happy,
      The pleasure I shall live in and the freedom
      Without the squint-eye of the law upon me,
      Or prating liberty of tongues, that envy.


      You are a made woman.


      But if he should prove now
      A crafty and dissembling kind of Husband,
      One read in knavery, and brought up in the art
      Of villany conceal’d.


      My life, an innocent.


      That’s it I aim at,
      That’s it I hope too, then I am sure I rule him,
      For innocents are like obedient Children
      Brought up under a hard Mother-in-law, a cruel,
      Who being not us’d to break-fasts and collations,
      When they have course bread offer’d ’em, are thankfull,
      And take it for a favour too.  Are the rooms
      Made ready to entertain my friends?  I long to dance now
      And to be wanton; let me have a song, is the great couch up
      The Duke of Medina sent?


      ’Tis up and ready.


      And day-beds in all chambers?


      In all Lady,
      Your house is nothing now but various pleasures,
      The Gallants begin to gaze too.


      Let ’em gaze on,
      I was brought up a Courtier, high and happy,
      And company is my delight, and courtship,
193] And handsom servants at my will:  where’s my good husband,
      Where does he wait?


      He knows his distance Madam,
      I warrant ye he is busie in the celler
      Amongst his fellow servants, or asleep,
      Till your command awake him.

Project Gutenberg
Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.