The Laws of Candy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 112 pages of information about The Laws of Candy.

The Laws of Candy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 112 pages of information about The Laws of Candy.


Thus (my Lords) to witness How far I am from arrogance, or thinking I am more valiant, though more favour’d Than my most matchless father, my demand is, That for a lasting memorie of his name, His deeds, his real, nay his royal worth, You set up in your Capitol in Brass My Fathers Statue, there to stand for ever A Monument and Trophy of his victories, With this Inscription to succeeding ages, Great Cassilanes, Patron of Candy’s Peace, Perpetual Triumpher.

Porphycio Possenne: 

      It is granted.  What more?


      No more.


      How Boy?


      Thou art immortal,
      Both for thy Son-like pietie, and beauties
      Of an unconquer’d minde.


      My Prisoner, Lords,
      To your more sacred wisedoms I surrender: 
      Fit you his ransom; half whereof I give
      For largess to the Souldiers:  the other half
      To the erection of this monument.


Ambitious villain.


      Thou art all un-imitable. 
      My Lords, to work a certain peace for Candy
      With Venice, use Fernando like a Prince;
      His ransom I’le disburse what e’re it be: 
      Yet you may stay him with you, till conditions
      Of amitie shall be concluded on: 
      Are ye content?


      We are, and ever rest
      Both friends and debters to your nobleness.


      Souldiers attend me in the Market-place,
      Fie thither send your largess.


      Antinous, Antinous.



      I have a sute too, Lords.

Porphycio Possenne: 

      Propose it, ’tis yours, if fit and just.


      Let not my services,
      My being forty years a drudge, a pack-horse
      To you, and to the State, be branded now
      With Ignominy ne’re to be forgotten: 
      Rear me no Monument, unless you mean
      To have me fam’d a Coward, and be stamp’d so.


      We understand you not.


      Proud boy, thou dost,
      And Tyrant-like insult’st upon my shame.


      Sir, Heaven can tell, and my integrity,
      What I did, was but only to inforce
      The Senates gratitude.  I now acknowledge it.


      Observe it Fathers, how this haughty boy
      Grows cunning in his envy of mine honours: 
      He knows no mention can of me be made,
      But that it ever likewise must be told,
      How I by him was master’d; and for surety

Project Gutenberg
The Laws of Candy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.