Would I had in
my Infancy been laid
Within my grave,
covered with your blessings rather
Than grown up
to a man, to meet your curses.
O that thou hadst.
Then I had been
the Father of a child,
Dearer than thou
wert ever unto me,
When hope perswaded
me I had begot
Another self in
thee: Out of mine eyes,
258] As far as I have thrown thee from my heart,
That I may live
and dye forgetting thee.
How has he deserv’d
this untam’d anger,
That when he might
have ask’t for his reward
Some honour for
himself, or mass of pelf,
He only did request
to have erected
Your Statue in
the Capitol, with Titles
upon’t, The Patron of his Countrey?
That, that’s
the poison in the gilded cup,
The Serpent in
the flowers, that stings my honour,
And leaves me
dead in fame: Gods do a justice,
And rip his bosom
up, that men may see,
Seeing, believe
the subtle practises
Written within
his heart: But I am heated,
And do forget
this presence, and my self.
Your pardon, Lady.
You should not
ask, ’less you knew how to give.
For my sake Cassilane,
cast out of your thoughts
All ill conceptions
of your worthy son,
That (questionless)
has ignorantly offended,
Declared in his
Bid me dye, Lady,
for your sake I’le do it;
But that you’l
say is nothing, for a man
That has out-liv’d
his honour: But command me
In any thing save
that, and Cassilane
Shall ever be
your servant. Come Annophel,
(My joy in this
world) thou shalt live with me,
(Retired in some
solitarie nook,)
The comfort of
my age; my dayes are short,
And ought to be
well spent: and I desire
No other witness
of them but thy self,
And good Arcanes.
I shall obey you Sir.
Noble Sir:
If you taste any
want of worldly means,
Let not that discontent
you: know me your friend,
That hath, and
can supply you.
Sir, I am too
much bound to you already,
And ’tis
not of my cares the least, to give you
Fair satisfaction.
You may imagine
I do speak to that end,
But trust me,
’tis to make you bolder with me.
Sir, I thank you,
and may make trial of you,
Mean time my service.