Christmas with Grandma Elsie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 259 pages of information about Christmas with Grandma Elsie.

Christmas with Grandma Elsie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 259 pages of information about Christmas with Grandma Elsie.

“You’ve got enough of skating, I suppose, Lu? you won’t want to try it again, will you?” asked Max.

“Yes; if papa will let me.  I’d like to go back this afternoon.  But I’d want to keep fast hold of him so that I’d be in no danger of falling,” she added, looking lovingly into his eyes.

“I’ll not let you try it in any other way for some time to come,” he said, stroking her hair; “you must become a good deal more proficient in the use of skates before I can again trust you to go alone; especially where there are so many other and more skilful skaters.”

“I don’t care for that, papa, but will you take me there again this afternoon?”

“We’ll see about it when the time comes,” he said smiling at her eager tone, and not ill-pleased at this proof of a persevering disposition.

“Oh!” cried Max, glancing toward the window, “it’s snowing fast!  Dear, dear, it will spoil the skating for all of us!”

“But a good fall of snow will provide other pleasures, my son,” remarked the captain in a cheery tone.

“Yes, sir, so it will,” returned Max, echoing the tone.

“And beside plenty of indoor amusements have been provided,” said Violet.  “I think we can all enjoy ourselves vastly, let the weather outside be what it will.”

“I am sure of it,” said her husband.  “Gracie, how did you enjoy your ride?”

“Oh it was just lovely, papa!” answered the little girl, “the sleigh skimmed along so nicely without a bit of jolting; and then too, it was such fun to watch the skaters.”

A tap at the door, and Rosie’s voice asking, “How is Lulu?  Mamma sent me to inquire.”

“Come in, Rosie,” said the captain.  “Mother is very kind, and I am glad to be able to report to her that Lulu is only very slightly hurt; so slightly that doubtless she will be ready to join her mates in any sport that may be going on this afternoon.”

Rosie drew near with a look of commiseration on her face, but exclaimed in surprise, “Why, your hand isn’t even bound up!”

“No; I have just a patch of court plaster on each of three finger tips,” returned Lulu, laughingly displaying them.

“But oh what a narrow escape!” cried Rosie half breathlessly.  “It fairly frightens me to think of it!”

“They’d all have been cut off if it hadn’t been for papa,” Lulu said with a shudder, hiding her face on his shoulder.

“O Lu, I’m so glad they weren’t!” said Rosie.  “Eva has been crying fit to break her heart because she was sure that at least the tips of your fingers had been taken off; and in fact I couldn’t help crying myself,” she added, turning away to wipe her eyes.

“How good in you both!” exclaimed Lulu, lifting her head and showing flushed cheeks and shining eyes.  “Papa, shan’t I go and find Eva and comfort her by letting her see how little I am hurt, after all?”

“Yes, do, my child,” he said, releasing her.

Project Gutenberg
Christmas with Grandma Elsie from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.