The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thought of Him eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 604 pages of information about The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thought of Him.

The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thought of Him eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 604 pages of information about The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thought of Him.

So Peter buckled on his armor and descended into the arena.  Whether he spoke well or ill, we leave it to those to say who care to turn back to the files of the papers of that campaign.  Perhaps, however, it may be well to add that an entirely unbiassed person, after reading his opening speeches, delivered in the Cooper Union and the Metropolitan Opera House, in New York City, wrote him:  “It is libel to call you Taciturnity.  They are splendid!  How I wish I could hear you—­and see you, dear.  I’m very lonely, and so are Betise and Tawney-eye.  We do nothing but wander round the house all day, waiting for your letter, and the papers.”  Three thousand people in the Brooklyn Rink were kept waiting for nearly ten minutes by Peter’s perusal of that letter.  But when he had finished it, and had reached the Rink, he out-Stirlinged Stirling.  A speaker nowadays speaks far more to the people absent than to the people present.  Peter did this that evening.  He spoke, it is true, to only one person that night, but it was the best speech of the campaign.

A week later, Peter rang the bell of the Fifty-seventh Street house.  He was in riding costume, although he had not been riding.

“Mr. and Mrs. D’Alloi are at breakfast,” he was informed.

Peter rather hurriedly laid his hat and crop on the hall-table, and went through the hall, but his hurry suddenly came to an end, when a young lady, carrying her napkin, added herself to the vista.  “I knew it must be you,” she said, offering her hand very properly—­(on what grounds Leonore surmised that a ring at the door-bell at nine o’clock meant Peter, history does not state)—­“I wondered if you knew enough to come to breakfast.  Mamma sent me out to say that you are to come right in.”

Peter was rather longer over the handshake than convention demands, but he asked very politely, “How are your father and—?” But just then the footman closed a door behind him, and Peter’s interest in parents suddenly ceased.

“How could you be so late?” said some one presently.  “I watched out of the window for nearly an hour.”

“My train was late.  The time-table on that road is simply a satire!” said Peter.  Yet it is the best managed road in the country, and this particular train was only seven minutes overdue.

“You have been to ride, though,” said Leonore.

“No.  I have an engagement to ride with a disagreeable girl after breakfast, so I dressed for it.”

“Suppose the disagreeable girl should break her engagement—­or declare there never was one?”

“She won’t,” said Peter.  “It may not have been put in the contract, but the common law settles it beyond question.”

Leonore laughed a happy laugh.  Then she asked:  “For whom are those violets?”

“I had to go to four places before I could get any at this season,” said Peter.  “Ugly girls are just troublesome enough to have preferences.  What will you give me for them?”

Project Gutenberg
The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thought of Him from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.