Five Little Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Five Little Plays.

Five Little Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Five Little Plays.


LADY TORMINSTER.  You remember the Persian poet?  “I too have said to the stars and the wind, I will.  But the wind and the stars have mocked me—­they have laughed in my face....”

SIR GEOFFREY. [A little uncomfortable.] Persian poets, like all poets, have a funny way of pretending that the stars take an interest in us.  To me, it’s their chief charm that they’re so unconcerned.  They are lonely, too.

LADY TORMINSTER. [Suddenly, violently.] Don’t say that again—­don’t—­I can’t bear it!

SIR GEOFFREY. [Aghast.] Gertrude!!!

LADY TORMINSTER. [In a whisper.] Yes.

     [He stares haggardly at her; she does not move, but looks out,
     through the open window, into the night.

SIR GEOFFREY. [With a deep breath.] Well, I suppose we had better turn in—­

LADY TORMINSTER.  When do you go to China?

SIR GEOFFREY.  I shall take the first boat.

LADY TORMINSTER.  And you will come back—?

SIR GEOFFREY.  In a year—­or two—­or three—­

LADY TORMINSTER.  We shall hear from you?

SIR GEOFFREY. [With an effort of lightness.] Certainly.  And I will send you chests of tea—­best family Souchong—­and jars of ginger.  Also little boxes that fit into each other.  I am afraid that is all I know at present of Chinese manufactures.

LADY TORMINSTER. [Musing.] You will be away so long?

SIR GEOFFREY.  You told me to do something.  I shall learn Chinese.  I believe there are five hundred letters in the alphabet.

LADY TORMINSTER.  As many as that!

SIR GEOFFREY.  It is possible that I exaggerate.  Well, Lady Torminster, I think I’ll say good-night.

     [He offers his hand, which she ignores.  She smiles, and motions
     him back to his seat.

LADY TORMINSTER.  The sun is still shining in the antipodes, my dear Geoffrey, and you are still Jack’s old friend, talking to Jack’s wife.  Sit down, and don’t be foolish.  You’ll be away for years; it’s possible we may never meet again.  It’s possible, too, that next time we do meet you may be married.

SIR GEOFFREY. [With iron control.] Who knows?

LADY TORMINSTER.  Exactly—­who knows?  So there’s no reason why we shouldn’t look each other squarely in the face for once, and speak out what’s in us.

SIR GEOFFREY. [Sorrowfully.] Oh, Lady Torminster, what is there to say?

LADY TORMINSTER. [Bending forward a little and smiling.] How you resent my having told you!

SIR GEOFFREY. [With a guilty start.] Resent!  I!

LADY TORMINSTER.  You do, and you know it.  In your heart you are saying, “All was going so well—­she has spoiled it!  If she does love me she shouldn’t have said it—­Jack’s wife!”

SIR GEOFFREY. [Sturdily.] Well—­Jack’s wife.  Yes!

Project Gutenberg
Five Little Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.