Montcalm and Wolfe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 931 pages of information about Montcalm and Wolfe.

Montcalm and Wolfe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 931 pages of information about Montcalm and Wolfe.

   Acadian, oath of allegiance to George II, 83, 87
     urged to leave by French, 87, 89, 93ff.
     threats of Le Loutre, missionary priest, 93ff., 102, 174
     forced from Beaubassin by Le Loutre, 98ff., 174
     misery of refugees, 100-102
     removal by British, 186-205
     reasons for removal, 175, 177, 188-189, 191-193
     their misery at Beausejour, 179-180
     heartless treatment from French authorities, 180-181
     life of, 189-190
     powers of church over, 190
     refuse pledge of allegiance to George II, 191-193
     English treatment of, 625
     ordered by priests to join Indian attacks, 626

   Adams, Captain, 194, 198

   Africa, French driven from, 615
     English power in, 615
     Senegal ceded to England, 618
   Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of, 31, 38, 102

   Albemarle, Lord, British Minister to France (1752), 91n., 139
     Lord Chesterfield’s comment on, 139
     dies in Paris, 142

   Albany, New York, in the 1750’s, 228-229

   Albemarle, Earl of (1761), takes Havana, 615

   Alembert, D’, 35

   Alequippa, Iroquois Chieftoness, 54
     joins Washington’s men, 120

   Algonquin, or Algonkin Indians, 72, 122, 262, 335
     divination practices of, 305n.

   Allen, Ensign, 152

   Amherst, Major-General Jeffry, 516, 526, 527, 531
     commands Louisbourg expedition, 385
     sails for Halifax, 387
     reaches Louisbourg, 390
     his siege of Louisbourg, 394-399
     Louisbourg surrenders, 401-402
     his courtesy to French, 403
     takes French posts around Louisbourg, 405
     his relations with Wolfe, 406
     joins Abercromby, 406, 437
     discusses attack on Ticonderoga, 438
     prepare for advance on Ticonderoga, Crown Point, and Montreal, 507
     marches on Ticonderoga, 509
     French retreat and fort falls, 510
     rebuilds fort, 510, 516
     postpones going to Wolfe’s aid, 511
     finally embarks, 517
     turned back by storms, 518
     winters at Crown Point, 518
     his blunders, 518
     his plan to capture Montreal, 590
     sails from Oswego, 594
     takes Fort Levis, 595
     arrives at Montreal, 596
     Montreal surrenders, 597-598

   Annapolis, Fort (Acadia), 83ff.

   Anson, First Lord of the Admiralty (England 1754), 139

   Anthonay D’, Lieutenant-Colonel, 400

   “Apostle of the Iroquois” (see Piquet, Abbe)

   Appleton, Nathaniel, 601

   Apthorp, Boston merchant, 181

   Argens, D’, 607
     Frederick the Great, letters to, 607-608

   Argenson, D’, French Minister of War (1743), 35, 252
     appoints Montcalm to Canadian Command, 255

   Armstrong, Colonel John, destroys Indian stronghold, 296-297

Project Gutenberg
Montcalm and Wolfe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.