The legend of Inverawe has within a few years found its way into an English magazine, and it has also been excellently told in the Atlantic Monthly of September of this year, 1884, by Miss C.F. Gordon Cumming. Her version differs a little from that given above from the recital of Dean Stanley and the present laird of Inverawe, but the essential points are the same. Miss Gordon Cumming, however, is in error when she says that Duncan Campbell was wounded in the breast, and that he was first buried at Ticonderoga. His burial-place was near Fort Edward, where he died, and where his remains still lie, though not at the same spot, as they were long after removed by a family named Gilchrist, who claimed kinship with the Campbells of Inverawe.
Appendix H
Chapter 25. Wolfe at Quebec
“Les retranchemens que j’avois fait tracer depuis la riviere St. Charles jusqu’au saut Montmorency furent occupes par plus de 14,000 hommes, 200 cavaliers dont je formai un corps aux ordres de M. de la Rochebeaucour, environ 1,000 sauvages Abenakis et des differentes nations du nord des pays d’en haut. M. de Boishebert arriva ensuite avec les Acadiens et sauvages qu’il avoit rassembles. Je reglai la garnison de Quebec a 2,000 hommes.” Vaudreuil au Ministre, 5 Oct. 1759.
The commissary Berniers says that the whole force was about fifteen thousand men, besides Indians, which is less than the number given by Vaudreuil.
Bigot says: “Nous avions 13,000 hommes et mille a 1,200 sauvages, sans compter 2,000 hommes de garnison dans la ville.” Bigot au Ministre, 25 Oct. 1759.
The Hartwell Journal du Siege says: “II fut decide qu’on ne laisseroit dans la place que 1,200 hommes, et que tout le reste marcheroit au camp, ou l’on comptoit se trouver plus de 15,000 hommes, y compris les sauvages.”
Rigaud, Vaudreuil’s brother, writing from Montreal to Bourlamaque on the 23d of June, says: “Je compte que l’armee campee sous Quebec sera de 17,000 hommes bien effectifs, sans les sauvages.” He then gives a list of Indians who have joined the army, or are on the way, amounting to thirteen hundred.
At the end of June Wolfe had about eight thousand six hundred effective soldiers. Of these the ten battalions, commonly mentioned as regiments, supplied six thousand four hundred; detached grenadiers from Louisbourg, three hundred; artillery, three hundred; rangers, four hundred; light infantry, two hundred; marines, one thousand. The complement of the battalions was in some cases seven hundred and in others one thousand (Knox, II. 25); but their actual strength varied from five hundred to eight hundred, except the Highlanders, who mustered eleven hundred, their ranks being more than full. Fraser, in his Journal of the Siege, gives a tabular view