The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.

The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.

  child’s attitude towards
  educative value of
  kinds most suitable

Brachial nerve, pressure causing tetany

  best time for
  causes of failure in
  observations on
  See also Lactation

  action during
  fatal cases of
  phenomena of

Bromides, administration of
  to newborn baby

Cajoling, futility of

Calcium bromide, in treatment of spasms

Calcium metabolism, disturbance of

Care, ill effects of excess of

Carpo-pedal spasm

Catarrhal infections
  connection of rheumatism with, 155

Cerebral anaemia

Cerebral circulation, stagnation of

Cerebral exhaustion. See Mental Exhaustion

Cerebral functions,
  rapid growth of
  unstable in the child
  See also Mental

  formation of
  during school life
  home influence in the development of
  ideals of, how inculcated

Children’s parties, disadvantages of

Chloral, administration of
    to newborn baby
  in treatment of spasms

  and rheumatism, association between
  symptom of cerebral irritability
  treatment of

Chvostek’s sign, characteristics and nature of

Circulation, cerebral,
  stagnation of
  nervous control of


  kind suitable
  new, child’s delight in

  futility of

Cold douches, improving vasomotor tone

Coldness of extremities

  control of, factors in
  errors of, and sexual instincts
    control of
    correction of
    due to faults of management
    in neuropathic children
  excessive introspection influencing
  ideals of, how inculcated
  influence of environment on
  influenced by suggestion
  mother’s influence on
  of neuropaths
  suggestion in the control of

  mental causes of
  negativism in
  perversion of suggestion a common cause of
  suggestion in relation to

Constitution, delicacy of

Convulsions, fatal cases of

Convulsive disorders

Cough, nervous

Counter-opposition, child’s opposition growing with

Crying, constant
  formation of habit of
  in emotional and excitable children
  management of
  mechanism of
  phenomena of

Cyclic or periodic vomiting. See Vomiting

Day-dreams, indicating nervous temperament


Defaecation, inhibition of

Delicacy of constitution

Project Gutenberg
The Nervous Child from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.