The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.

The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.

The hygiene of the child’s mind is as important as the hygiene of his body, and both are studies proper for the doctor.  Neuropathy and an unsound, nervous organisation are often enough legacies from the nervous disorders of childhood.


Abdomen, prominent

Abdominal symptoms of neurosis

Accent, local, facility with which acquired

Acetone, in breath and urine during cyclic vomiting

Acidosis, accompanying cyclic vomiting

Action, imitativeness of
  liberty of, in early childhood

Activities in the nursery
  not to be restrained
  without intervention of grown-up people
  wonderful nature of

Adenoid vegetations, night-terrors aggravated by
  removal of, in treatment of enuresis

Adolescence, and education on sexual matters

Adults, child in relation to the society of

AEsthetic sense, in early childhood

Affection, in the child

Air hunger, in cyclic vomiting

Air swallowing, habitual action of

Albuminuria, associated with faulty posture
  cause of, in neuropaths

Allimentary disturbances, symptom of

Alkali, in treatment of cyclic vomiting

Anaemia, of neuropaths

Anorexia nervosa
  A case illustrating

Apnoea, fatal cases of
  following burst of crying
  twitching of facial muscles in

Appetite, emotional states affecting
  loss of,
    case illustrating
    causes and characteristics
  means of stimulating
  nature of the sensation of

Apprehension, causes of
  growth of neuroses in atmosphere of

Artificial feeding


Asthma, treatment of

Attention, child’s love of attracting
  examples of

Authority, delight in defying
  over-exercise of, by parents, results of

Babies. See Newborn Baby

Backward development
  signs of

“Bad form”

Bad habits

Bath, baby’s first experience of

Bed, dislike of
  how overcome
  efforts to resist preparation for

Bedroom, airing and temperature of

  management at

Bed wetting. See Enuresis

Behaviour. See Conduct

Bladder, hydrostatic distension of, for enuresis

Boarding-schools, object of

Bodily ailments, and instability of nervous control, connection between
  See also Disorders

  and mind, development of
  development of
    environment influencing
  effect of mind on
  gradual alterations in the shape of
  infantile characteristics in later childhood

Bone, and muscle, changes in, in infantile children

Project Gutenberg
The Nervous Child from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.