The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.

The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.


Suspicions, aroused in the child

Syncopal attacks, causes and characteristics

Tactile sensation. See Touch

Taste, perversion of
  sensations of
    how controlled
  sense of, in newborn infant

Teething convulsions

Tell-tale child, characteristics

Temperament, diversity of
  heredity and
  mother’s attitude in relation to
  of the patient, physician in relation to

Temperature, during sickness
  inexplicable rises in

Terror, causes, of

Tetany, liability to, in increased irritability of nervous system
  pressure to brachial nerve causing

Theatres, disadvantages of


Therapeutic conversation

Thigh rubbing,
  avoidance of
  habitual action of

Thorax, development of

Thumb sucking
  persistence of the habit

Tongue-tie, in relation to lactation


Tonsils, removal of, in treatment of enuresis

Touch, sense of,
  cultivation of
  early development of
  organs with greatest development of

  child’s interest in
  educative value of
  kind most suitable

Training, early, importance and object of

Trousseau’s sign, nature and production of

  inculcation of

Twitching of facial muscles

Tyranny of tears

Unkindness, habitual, of children to others

  over-exercise of authority encouraging

  condition in enuresis
  incontinence of, methods of treatment
    See also Enuresis
  increased secretion of
  irritation of

Vasomotor instability
  conditions indicating
  in neuropaths

Vasomotor tone, how improved

Virtuous, definition of the term

Visceral fatigue, easily produced in nervous children


Voice, tone of

Voluntary movements, development of cerebral centres controlling

Vomiting, cyclic
  aetiology of
  age at which it occurs
  case illustrating
  causes and characteristics
  class of child affected by
  condition of the child during
  frequency of attacks
  migraine in association with
  nervous system in relation to
  treatment of

Waking states

Weaning, difficulty in

Will, strength of, absence in childhood

Work and play, differentiation between

Writing, correct posture during

Transcriber’s Notes

Project Gutenberg
The Nervous Child from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.