The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.

The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.

Parties, disadvantages of

Patient, temperament of, physician in relation to

Pelvis, development of

Peripheral nerves, increase in irritability and conductivity of

Personal adornment, delight in

  and disobedience
  child’s own conception of
  environment influencing
  in early childhood
  of newborn baby

Perspiration, abundant, sudden attacks of, 141

  characteristics and varieties
  frequency of
  treatment of

Physical defects, accompanying neurosis

Physical disturbances, due to emotion

Physical exercise, lack of, causing want of sleep

Physical fatigue, easily produced in nervous children

Physical phenomena of neuropaths

Physical training,
  objects and advantages of

  and the temperament of his patient
  examination by
  diagnosis by
  difficulties of

Physique, intellect compared with

Pica and dirt eating

Picture books,
  educative value of
  kinds most suitable

  happiness of child during
  in the nursery
  with grown-up persons

Pleasure, sense of, in early childhood

Polarisation of ideas

Postural albuminuria

Posture, faulty
    prevention of

Power, child’s love of

Precision of movement, development of

  dangers of
  observations on

Public schools, character and effects of

  deserved and undeserved
  frequent, disadvantages of
  observations on

Purity, inculcation of high ideals of,

Purposive movements, earliest,
  cause of
  encouragement of

Pyloric spasm

  organic disease in relation to

Rational hygiene

Reasoning power,
  active before advent of speech
  factors influencing development of

Regulation of habits

Repression, by older children of younger

Reproduction, method of imparting knowledge of

  cases in which useless
  causing disobedience
  effects of
  extreme sensitiveness to
  perverse pleasure of
  too frequent repetition of, futility of

Restlessness, during sickness

Rewards, use and dangers of

  and chorea, association between
  characteristics in childhood
  treatment of

  mental and intellectual condition in
  in infantile children
  occurrence with spasmophilia

Right and wrong, appreciation of, in early childhood

Round shoulders

St. Vitus’s dance

Project Gutenberg
The Nervous Child from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.