Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 260 pages of information about Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664).

Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 260 pages of information about Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664).
to which this last nam’d may by a Favourable explication be reconcil’d, is that which derives Colours from the Mixture of Light and Darkness, or rather Light and Shadows.  And as for the Chymists ’tis known, that the generality of them ascribes the Origine of Colours to the Sulphureous Principle in Bodies, though I find, as I elsewhere largely shew, that some of the Chiefest of them derive Colours rather from Salt than Sulphur, and others, from the third Hypostatical Principle, Mercury.  And as for the Cartesians I need not tell you, that they, supposing the Sensation of Light to bee produc’d by the Impulse made upon the Organs of Sight, by certain extremely Minute and Solid Globules, to which the Pores of the Air and other Diaphanous bodies are pervious, endeavour to derive the Varieties of Colours from the Various Proportion of the Direct Progress or Motion of these Globules to their Circumvolution or Motion about their own Centre, by which Varying Proportion they are by this Hypothesis suppos’d qualify’d to strike the Optick Nerve after several Distinct manners, so to produce the perception of Differing Colours.

2.  Besides these six principal Hypotheses, Pyrophilus, there may be some others, which though Less known, may perhaps as well as thesc deserve to be taken into consideration by you; but that I should copiously debate any of them at present, I presume you will not expect, if you consider the Scope of these Papers, and the Brevity I have design’d in them, and therefore I shall at this time only take notice to you in the general of two or three things that do more peculiarly concern the Treatise you have now in your hands.

3.  And first, though the Embracers of the Several Hypotheses I have been naming to you, by undertaking each Sect of them to explicate Colours indefinitely, by the particular Hypotheses they maintain, seem to hold it forth as the only Needful Theory about that Subject, yet for my part I doubt whether any one of all these Hypotheses have a right to be admitted Exclusively to all others, for I think it Probable, that Whiteness and Blackness may be explicated by Reflection alone without Refraction, as you’l find endeavour’d in the Discourse you’l meet with e’re long Of the Origine of Whiteness and Blackness, and on the other side, since I have not found that by any Mixture of White and True Black, (for there is a Blewish Black which many mistake for a Genuine) there can be a Blew, a Yellow, or a Red, to name no other Colours, produced, and since we do find that these Colours may be produc’d in the Glass-prism and other Transparent bodies, by the help of Refractions, it seems that Refraction is to be taken in into the Explication of some Colours, to whose Generation they seem to concurr, either by making a further or other Commixture of Shades with the Refracted Light, or by some other way not now to be discours’d.  And as it seems not improbable, that in case the Pores of the Air, and

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Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.