Middlemarch eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,180 pages of information about Middlemarch.

Middlemarch eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,180 pages of information about Middlemarch.

But Dorothea’s mind was rapidly going over the past with quite another vision than his.  The thought that she herself might be what Will most cared for did throb through her an instant, but then came doubt:  the memory of the little they had lived through together turned pale and shrank before the memory which suggested how much fuller might have been the intercourse between Will and some one else with whom he had had constant companionship.  Everything he had said might refer to that other relation, and whatever had passed between him and herself was thoroughly explained by what she had always regarded as their simple friendship and the cruel obstruction thrust upon it by her husband’s injurious act.  Dorothea stood silent, with her eyes cast down dreamily, while images crowded upon her which left the sickening certainty that Will was referring to Mrs. Lydgate.  But why sickening?  He wanted her to know that here too his conduct should be above suspicion.

Will was not surprised at her silence.  His mind also was tumultuously busy while he watched her, and he was feeling rather wildly that something must happen to hinder their parting—­some miracle, clearly nothing in their own deliberate speech.  Yet, after all, had she any love for him?—­he could not pretend to himself that he would rather believe her to be without that pain.  He could not deny that a secret longing for the assurance that she loved him was at the root of all his words.

Neither of them knew how long they stood in that way.  Dorothea was raising her eyes, and was about to speak, when the door opened and her footman came to say—­

“The horses are ready, madam, whenever you like to start.”

“Presently,” said Dorothea.  Then turning to Will, she said, “I have some memoranda to write for the housekeeper.”

“I must go,” said Will, when the door had closed again—­advancing towards her.  “The day after to-morrow I shall leave Middlemarch.”

“You have acted in every way rightly,” said Dorothea, in a low tone, feeling a pressure at her heart which made it difficult to speak.

She put out her hand, and Will took it for an instant with. out speaking, for her words had seemed to him cruelly cold and unlike herself.  Their eyes met, but there was discontent in his, and in hers there was only sadness.  He turned away and took his portfolio under his arm.

“I have never done you injustice.  Please remember me,” said Dorothea, repressing a rising sob.

“Why should you say that?” said Will, with irritation.  “As if I were not in danger of forgetting everything else.”

Project Gutenberg
Middlemarch from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.