Middlemarch eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,180 pages of information about Middlemarch.

Middlemarch eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,180 pages of information about Middlemarch.
distance between Rome and Britain.  Prejudices about rank and status were easy enough to defy in the form of a tyrannical letter from Mr. Casaubon; but prejudices, like odorous bodies, have a double existence both solid and subtle—­ solid as the pyramids, subtle as the twentieth echo of an echo, or as the memory of hyacinths which once scented the darkness.  And Will was of a temperament to feel keenly the presence of subtleties:  a man of clumsier perceptions would not have felt, as he did, that for the first time some sense of unfitness in perfect freedom with him had sprung up in Dorothea’s mind, and that their silence, as he conducted her to the carriage, had had a chill in it.  Perhaps Casaubon, in his hatred and jealousy, had been insisting to Dorothea that Will had slid below her socially.  Confound Casaubon!

Will re-entered the drawing-room, took up his hat, and looking irritated as he advanced towards Mrs. Lydgate, who had seated herself at her work-table, said—­

“It is always fatal to have music or poetry interrupted.  May I come another day and just finish about the rendering of `Lungi dal caro bene’?”

“I shall be happy to be taught,” said Rosamond.  “But I am sure you admit that the interruption was a very beautiful one.  I quite envy your acquaintance with Mrs. Casaubon.  Is she very clever?  She looks as if she were.”

“Really, I never thought about it,” said Will, sulkily.

“That is just the answer Tertius gave me, when I first asked him if she were handsome.  What is it that you gentlemen are thinking of when you are with Mrs. Casaubon?”

“Herself,” said Will, not indisposed to provoke the charming Mrs. Lydgate.  “When one sees a perfect woman, one never thinks of her attributes—­one is conscious of her presence.”

“I shall be jealous when Tertius goes to Lowick,” said Rosamond, dimpling, and speaking with aery lightness.  “He will come back and think nothing of me.”

“That does not seem to have been the effect on Lydgate hitherto.  Mrs. Casaubon is too unlike other women for them to be compared with her.”

“You are a devout worshipper, I perceive.  You often see her, I suppose.”

“No,” said Will, almost pettishly.  “Worship is usually a matter of theory rather than of practice.  But I am practising it to excess just at this moment—­I must really tear myself away.

“Pray come again some evening:  Mr. Lydgate will like to hear the music, and I cannot enjoy it so well without him.”

When her husband was at home again, Rosamond said, standing in front of him and holding his coat-collar with both her hands, “Mr. Ladislaw was here singing with me when Mrs. Casaubon came in.  He seemed vexed.  Do you think he disliked her seeing him at our house?  Surely your position is more than equal to his—­whatever may be his relation to the Casaubons.”

“No, no; it must be something else if he were really vexed, Ladislaw is a sort of gypsy; he thinks nothing of leather and prunella.”

Project Gutenberg
Middlemarch from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.