The Religions of India eBook

Edward Washburn Hopkins
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 825 pages of information about The Religions of India.

The Religions of India eBook

Edward Washburn Hopkins
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 825 pages of information about The Religions of India.
Williams, Buddhism;[39] Mary Sumner’s Histoire (ed.  Foucaux); Senart’s Essai sur la legende du Buddha, JA. 1873, p. 114; 1874, p. 249; 1875, P. 97, and published separately.  Valuable is the same author’s article, JA. viii, 1876, Notes, and work (containing) Les Inscriptions de Piyadasi; compare IA. xvii. 188; ZDMG. xl. 127 (buehler). on N[=a]g[=a]rjuna (second century) see Beal, IA. xv. 353.  Of historical interest, if otherwise valueless, are Schoebel, Le Buddha et le Bouddhisme, 1857; and Holmboe, Traces de Buddhisme en Norvege avant l’introduction du christianisme.  Lillie, Buddha and Early Buddhism, also influence of Buddhism on Christianity, and JRAS. xiv. 218, Buddhist Saint Worship, and ib. xv. 419, on Ceylon Buddhism; Beal, Schools, IA. ix. 299.

#Buddhist texts#:  Burnouf, Foucaux, above; Weber, Dhammapada,[40] ZDMG. xiv. 29:  Mueller, Science of Religion, and SBE. x, with Fanshoell’s Sutta Nip[=a]ta; J. Weber and Huth, Tib.  Buddhist S[=u]tras, ZDMG. xlv. 577; Pischel, Assal[=a]yana Sutta; Childers, Khuddaka P[=a]tha, JRAS. iv. 309.; Davids, Buddhist Suttas translated from the P[=a]li; and Davids and Oldenberg,[41] Vinaya Texts, SBE. xi, xiii, xvii, xx; Kern, Lotus, ib. xxi; Davids, Milinda, ib. xxxv; Cowell and Mueller, Mah[=a]y[=n]na S[=u]tras, ib. xlix; Foucaux, Lalita Vistara, Ann. du MG. vi, xix; Pratimokha, above, and Beal and Gogerly, JRAS. 1862, p. 407; Dickson, ib. vii. 1, viii. 62; Childers, ib. vii. 49; viii. 219; Rogers (and Mueller), Buddhaghosha’s Parables; Foulkes, IA. xix. 105; Carus, Gospel of Buddha.

#Nirv[=a][n.]a#:  Out of the immense literature we select Mueller (Buddhist Nihilism), Science of Religion, p. 141; Oldenberg, Buddha, p. 273; Frankfurter, JRAS. xii. 548; Rhys Davids, Manual, and Hibbert Lectures, tenth Appendix.

#Date of nirv[=a][n.]a#:  Westergaard, Buddha’s Totesjahr, Ueber den aeltesten Zeitraum der Ind.  Geschichte; Cunningham, Bhilsa Topes; Buehler IA. vi. 149 ff., Three New Edicts of Acoka; Kern, Jaar-telling; Mueller, Acad.  March 1, 1884, SBE. x.:  Davids, Ancient Coins and Measures of Ceylon, p. 57; Oldenberg, Vinaya Pitaka, SBE. xiii. p. xxii.[42]

#Foreign buddhism#:  Stan.  Julien, Histoire de la vie de Hiouen Thsang, Memoires (compare JA.  Dec. 1857), Voyages des Pelerins Bouddhistes; Wassiljew, Der Buddhismus; Bigandet, Life of Gaudama; Fergusson, Hiouen Thsang’s Journey from Patna, JRAS. vi. 213, 396; Wilson, ib. 1859, p. 106 (’Summary Account’); JAS. Beng. i; As.  Researches, xx (Csoma, Asiatic Buddhism); Beal, Diamond S[=u]tras (etc., JRAS.); Gutzlatf (Sykes), Buddhism in China, JRAS. 1854, p. 73; 1856, pp. 316, 357 (Wilson, Notes, Inscriptions); Edkins, Chinese Buddhism; Beal (Chinese), Dhammapada, The Romantic Legend, and Travels of the Buddhist Pilgrim Fah-Hian,[43] Life of Buddha, BOR. passim; Mueller, Buddhist Pilgrims, Chips, i; Koeppen (above); Hodgson, Memoirs; Burnouf (above);

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The Religions of India from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.