#Earth# (see Nritus).
#Gandharvas#: KZ. i. 513; Meyer, Gandharven-Kentauren (list of Apsarasas); Pischel, VS. i. 78; Hillebrandt, Vedische Mythologie, i. 427.
#Haritas# (sun’s steeds) as Charites, KZ. x. 96; ib. 365; Sonne, loc. cit. s. S[=u]ryra; Mueller, Science of Language, ii. 388.
#Heaven# (see Dy[=a]us and Varuna).
#Indra# (etymology, Benfey, OO. i. 49; PW. sv.; andra, A.-Sax. ‘ent,’ ‘giant,’ BB. i. 342;[17]] nar, [Greek: anor-, Jacobi, KZ. xxxi. 316; Indra’s bolt, vadha, ‘wetter,’ Delbrueck, KZ. xvi. 266): Perry, Indra in the Rig Veda, JAOS. xi. 117 (see epic, below).
#K[=a]ma#: Weber, ZDMG. xiv. 269, IS. v. 224, xvii. 290; Muir, v. 402.
#Manu#:[15] Roth, ZDMG. iv. 430; Weber, IS. i. 194 (’man and moon’), ZDMG. iv. 302; Muir, OST. i. 161; Kuhn, KZ. iv. 91; Burnouf, Preface of Bh[=a]g. Pur[=a]na, p. iii; Ascoli (m[=a]nus, mactus), KZ. xvii. 334; Maspiter as ‘man,’ Corssen, KZ. ii. 32;[16] Manu’s wife, Weber, ZDMG. xviii. 286. Compare also KZ. xii. 293, xix. 156, Mannus (see Laws, below).
#Maruts# (dubious etymology, Grassmann, KZ. xvi. 161; P. von Bradke, loc. cit. s.. Dy[=a]us): von Bradke, Wunderliche Geburt, Festgruss an Roth, p. 117 (Brahmanic, same point of view in parody, RV. x. 102, ZDMG. xlvi. 445). Hymns to Maruts, translated by Mueller, SBE. xxxii.
#Mitra#: Windischmann, Abh. K.M., 1857; Weber, IS. xvii. 212 (see Varuna).
#Namuci#: Lanman, JAS. Beng. viii. 1889; Bloomfield, JAOS. xv. 143.
#Nritus# as Nerthus, Hoffmann; (Roth) Bruce, Vedic Conceptions of the Earth, JRAS. 1862, p. 321; Prithiv[=i], ZDMG. xli. 494.
#Parjanya#: Buehler, Zur Mythologic des Rig Yeda, OO. i. 214; Hirt, 1F. i. 481, ’oak-god.’[4]
#Purandhi#: Pischel, VS. i. 202; Hillebrandt, WZKM. iii. 188, 259; Colinet, BOR. ii. 245, iv. 121 (’abundance’), Congress, 1892.
#Pricni# (p[r.]cni) as Frigy, KZ. ii. 478; ‘freckles,’ KZ. xix. 438.
#P[=u]shan#: Muir, OST. v. 171; Bergaigne, La Relig. Ved. ii. 420; Hillebrandt, ved. myth., i. 456 (with soma); gubernatis, letture, p. 82 (as setting sun); pischel, vs. i. 11 (s[=u]ry[=a] and p[=u]shan); perry, notes on the vedic deity p[=u]shan, drisler memorial, p. 240.
#Ribhus# ([r.]bhavas, etymology, ‘alf,’ ‘Orpheus’; or Orpheus from [r.]gh, [Greek: orchietai], Kuhn KZ. iv. 103; Wackernagel, KZ. xxiv. 297); Ludwig, iii. 187, as Seasons. Neve, Etudes sur les hymnes (1842), and Essai sur le mythe des Ribhavas (1847, misleading, Ribhu as apotheosis).
#Rohitas#: Henry (above).
#Rudra# (etymology, Pischel, VS. i. 57[18]): Weber, Vedic Conception of, IS. ii. 19; Pischel, Vedica, ZDMG. xl. 120; Rudra’s mouse and Smintheus, KZ. iii. 335; Grohmann, Apollo Smintheus und die Bedeutung der Maeuse in der Mythologie der Indogermanen.
#Sarany[=u]# (sara[n.]y[=u]): [Greek: ertngis], ZDA. vi. 117; KZ. i. 439 (storm; riddle, ib. 440); Bloomfield, JAOS. xv. 172; as Dawn, Mueller, Lectures, Second Series; Saram[=a], and S[=a]rameyas as Hermeias, ib.; Aufrecht, ZDMG. xiii. 493 (RV. x. 108, translated).