[Footnote 17: Mah[=a]vagga,
1.24. On the name (Gautama)
Gotama, see Weber, IS.
L 180.]
[Footnote 18: The
parks of Venuvana and Jetavana were
especially affected
by Buddha. Compare Oldenberg, Buddha,
[Footnote 19: Like
the Jains the Buddhists postulate
twenty-four (five) precedent
[Footnote 20: Buddha’s general discipline as compared with that of the Jains was much more lax, for instance, in the eating of meat. Buddha himself died of dysentery brought on by eating pork. The later Buddhism interprets much more strictly the rule of ‘non-injury’; and as we have shown, Buddha entirely renounced austerities, choosing the mean between laxity and asceticism.]
[Footnote 21: Or
‘take care of yourself’;
v. 23.]
[Footnote 22: The chief Buddhistic dates are given by Mueller (introduction to Dhammapada, SBE. vol. X.) as follows: 557, Buddha’s birth; 477, Buddha’s death and the First Council at R[=a]jagriha; 377, the Second Council at V[=a]ic[=a]l[=i]; 259, Acoka’s coronation; 242, Third Council at P[=a]taliputta; 222, Acoka’s death. These dates are only tentative, but they give the time nearly enough to serve as a guide. From the Buddhists (Ceylon account) it is known that the Council at V[=a]ic[=a]li was held one hundred years after Buddha’s death (one hundred and eighteen years before the coronation of Acoka, whose grandfather, Candragupta, was Alexander’s contemporary). The interval between Nirvana and Acoka, two hundred and eighteen years, is the only certain date according to Koeppen, p.208, and despite much argument since he wrote, the remark still holds.]
[Footnote 23: Englished
by Rhys Davids,
(SBE. XI. 95 ff.).]
[Footnote 24: Ecclesiastes.]
[Footnote 25: The common view is thus expressed by Oldenberg: “In dem schwuelen, feuchten, von der Natur mit Reichthuemern ueppig gesegneten Tropenlande des Ganges hat das Volk, das in frischer Jugendkraft steht, als es vom Norden her eindringt, bald aufgehoert jung und stark zu sein. Menschen und Voelker reifen in jenem Lande ... schnell heran, um ebenso schnell an Leib und Seele zu erschlaffen” (loc. cit. p. 11).]
[Footnote 26: Rhys Davids, Buddhism, pp. 160,139.]
[Footnote 27: Buddha
taught, of course, nothing related to
the thaumaturgy of that
folly which calls itself today
‘Esoteric Buddhism.’]
[Footnote 28: That
is a sacrifice where no cattle are slain,
and no injury is done
to living beings.]
[Footnote 29: K[=u]tadanta-sutta
Oldenberg, Buddha, p.
[Footnote 30: Sometimes
distinguished from
as absolute annihilation.]