eyes closed to keep out the rain; and how the smaller
ones gather snails in the wet grass, which will appear
with fried pumpkin at the labourer’s supper;
how, yesterday, he climbed Mount Calvano—that
very brother of hers for his guide—his
mule carrying him with dainty steps through the plain—past
the woods—up a path ever wilder and stonier,
where sorb and myrtle fall away, but lentisk and rosemary
still cling to the face of the rock—the
head and shoulders of some new mountain ever coming
into view; how he emerged, at last, where there were
mountains all around; below, the green sea; above,
the crystal solitudes of heaven; and, down in that
green sea, the slumbering Siren islands: the three
which stand together, and the one which swam to meet
them, but has always remained half-way. These,
and other reminiscences, beguile the time till the
storm has passed, and the sun breaks over the great
mountain which the Englishman has just described.
He and little “Fortu” can now go into
the village, and see the preparations being made for
to-morrow’s feast—that of the Virgin
of the Rosary—which primitive solemnity
he also (by anticipation) describes. He concludes
with a brief allusion to the political scirocco which
is blackening the English sky, and will not vanish
so quickly as this has done; and thus hints at a reason,
if the reader desires one, for his temporary rustication
in a foreign land.
[Footnote 72: First in “Hood’s Magazine.”]
[Footnote 73: Two of these are now in the National
Gallery; one presented to it by Sir Charles Eastlake,
the other after his death by Lady Eastlake.]
[Footnote 74: Mr. Browning thus skilfully accounts
for the discrepancy between the coarseness of his
life and the refined beauty of much of his work.]
[Footnote 75: The painter spoken of as “hulking
Tom” is the celebrated one known as “Masaccio”
(Tommasaccio), who learned in the convent from Lippo
Lippi, and has been wrongly supposed to be his teacher.
He is also one of those who were credited with the
work of Lippino, Lippo Lippi’s son.]
[Footnote 76: The Bishop’s tomb is entirely
fictitious; but something which is made to stand for
it is now shown to credulous sight-seers in St. Praxed’s
[Footnote 77: First in “Hood’s Magazine.”]
[Footnote 78: These were correctly given in the
MS., and appeared so in the first proofs of the book;
but were changed from considerations of prudence.]
[Footnote 79: A feigned name for one of the three
wonder working images which are worshipped in France.]
[Footnote 80: Mr. Browning allows me to give
the true names of the persons and places concerned
in the story.