to work. These are the principles, these are
the pictures which represent that which we have in
mind as we come together for a little while each Monday
in these few weeks, in order that we may think about
things of God and try to realize the depth of our
own human life. The first thing that we ought
to understand about it is that when we turn aside
from life it is only that we go deeper into life.
This hour does not stand apart from the rest of the
hours of the week, in that we are dealing with things
in which the rest of the week has no concern.
He who understands life deeply and fully, understands
life truly; he has forever renewed his life; and if
there comes into our hearts, in the life which we
are living, a perpetual sense that life needs renewal,
a richening and refreshing, then it is in order that
we may go down into the depths and see what lies at
the root of things—things that we are perpetually
doing and thinking. It is this that brought us
together here: it is that we may open to ourselves
some newer, higher life. It is that we may understand
the life that we may live, along side of and as a
richer development of that life which we are living
from day to day, which we have been living during the
years of our life. How that idea has haunted
men in every period of their existence, how it is
haunting you, that there is some higher life which
it is possible to live! There has never been a
religion that has not started there, lifted up its
eyes and seen, afar off, what it was possible for
man to do from day to day, in contrast with the things
which men immediately and presently are. There
is not any moment of the human soul which has not
rested upon some great conception that man was a nobler
being than he was ordinarily conceiving himself to
be; that he was not destined to the things which were
ordinarily occupying his life; that he might be living
a greater and nobler life. It is because the
Christian Scriptures have laid most earnestly hold
of this idea, it is because it was represented not
simply in the words which Christ said, but in the
very being which Christ was, that we go to them to
get the inspiration and the indication, the revelation
and the enlightenment which we need. I have read
to you these few words in which Christ declares the
whole subject, the whole character of which His life
is and what His work is about to do, because it seems
to me that they strike at once the key-note of that
which we want to understand. They let us enter
into the full conception of that which the new life
which is offered to man really is. There are
two conceptions which come to every man when he is
entering upon a new life, changing his present life
to something that is different from the present life,
and being a different sort of creature and living
in a different sort of a way. The first way in
which it presents itself to him—almost
always at the beginning of every religion, perhaps—is
in the way of restraint and imprisonment. Man