The Twenty-Fourth of June eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 352 pages of information about The Twenty-Fourth of June.

The Twenty-Fourth of June eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 352 pages of information about The Twenty-Fourth of June.

“He’s much more than that.”  Benson’s slow and languid speech took on a more earnest tone.  “Do you know, I think if any young man in this city has been misjudged and underrated it’s Rich.  I know the reputation you speak of; it’s another way of calling a man a spendthrift, to say he’s free with his money among his friends.  But I don’t believe anybody knows how free Rich Kendrick is with it among people who have no claim on him.  I never should have known if I hadn’t come here.  One of my nurses has told me a lot of things she wasn’t supposed ever to tell; but once she had let a word drop I got it out of her.  Why, Louis, for three years Rich has paid the expenses of every sick child that came into this hospital, where the family was too poor to pay.  He’s paid for several big operations, too, on children that he wanted to see have the best.  There are four special private rooms he keeps for those they call his patients, and he sees that whoever occupies them has everything they need—­and plenty of things they may not just need, but are bound to enjoy—­including flowers like those.”

He pointed to a splendid bowlful of blossoms on a stand behind Louis, such blossoms as even in June grow only in the choicest of gardens.

“All this is news to me,” declared Louis; “mighty good news, too.  But how has he been able to keep it so quiet?”

“Hospital people all pledged not to tell; so of course you and I mustn’t be responsible for letting it out, since he doesn’t want it known.  I’m glad I know it, though, and I felt somehow that you ought to know.  I used to think a lot of Rich at college, but now that he’s my partner I think so much more I can’t be happy unless other people appreciate him.  And in the business—­I can’t tell you what he is.  He’s more like a brother than a partner.”

His thin cheeks flushed, and Louis suddenly bethought himself.  “I’m letting you talk too much, Hugh,” he said self-accusingly.  “Convalescents mustn’t overexert themselves.  Suppose you lie still and let me read the morning paper to you.”

“Thank you, my nurse has done it.  Talking is really a great luxury and it does me good, a little of it.  I want to tell you this about Rich—­”

The door opened quietly as he spoke and Richard Kendrick himself came in.  Quite as usual, he looked as if he had that moment left the hands of a most scrupulous valet.  No wonder Louis’s first thought was, as he looked at him, that people gave him credit for caring only for externals.  One would not have said at first glance that he had ever soiled his hands with any labour more tiring than that of putting on his gloves.  And yet, studying him more closely in the light of the revelations his friend had made, was there not in his attractive face more strength and force than Louis had ever observed before?

Project Gutenberg
The Twenty-Fourth of June from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.