Nightfall eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 375 pages of information about Nightfall.

Nightfall eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 375 pages of information about Nightfall.

“It’s a cousin of Major Clowes,” Isabel continued, “but they haven’t met for years and years—­not since the war.  Laura knows him too, she met him before she was married and liked him very much indeed.  She’s looking forward to it—­that is, she would be if she had spirit enough to look forward to anything.”

“Clowes never said a word to me about it,” remarked Val.

“Didn’t he?” Isabel unfolded herself and stood up.  “That means he is going to be tiresome.  I must run now, it’s five past nine.  Which will you both have, cold beef or eggs?”

“Oh, anything that’s going,” said Val.

“Eggs,” said Rowsley, “not less than four.  Without prejudice to the cold beef if it’s underdone.  Hallo!”


“What’s the matter with your skirt?”

“Nothing,” said Isabel shortly.  She screwed her head over her shoulder in a vain endeavour to see her own back.  “It’s perfectly all right.”

“It would be, on a scarecrow.”  Isabel stuck her chin up.  “Have you been over to the Castle in that kit, Baby?  Well, if Yvonne won’t give you some of her old clothes, you might ask the kitchenmaid.”

“The kitchenmaid has more money than I have,” said Isabel cheerfully.  “Is it so very bad?  It’s clean anyway, I washed and ironed it myself.”

“It looks very nice and so do you,” said Val.  Isabel eyed him with a softened glance:  one could rely on Val to salve one’s wounded vanity, but, alas!  Val did not know home-made from tailor-made.  Reluctantly she owned to herself that she had more faith in Rowsley’s judgment.  “It seems rather short though,” Val added.  “I suppose you will have to go into long frocks pretty soon, won’t you, and put your hair up?”

“Oh bother my hair and my dresses!” said Isabel with a great sigh.  “I will pin my hair up when I get some new clothes, but how can I when I haven’t any money and Jim hasn’t any money and neither of you have any money?  Don’t you see, idiot,” this was exclusively to Rowsley, “when I pin my hair up I shall turn into a grown up lady?  And then I shall have to wear proper clothes.  At present I’m only a little girl and it doesn’t signify what I wear.  If any one will give me five pounds I’ll pin my hair up like a shot.  Oh dear, I wonder what Yvonne would say if Jack expected her to outfit herself for five pounds?  I do wish some one would leave me 10,000 pounds a year.  Get up now, you lazy beggar, come and help me lay the supper.  It’s Fanny’s evening out.”

She pulled Rowsley to his feet and they went off together leaving Val alone on the lawn:  good comrades those two, and apparently more of an age, in spite of the long gap between them, than Rowsley and Val, who was the eldest by only eighteen months.  And Val sat on alone, while stains of coral and amber faded out of the lavender sky, and a rack of sea clouds, which half an hour ago had shone like fiery ripples, dwindled away into smoke—­mist —­a mere shadow on the breast of the night.  Stars began to sparkle, moths and humming cockchafers sailed by him, a chase of bats overhead endlessly fell down airy precipices and rose in long loops of darkling flight:  honeysuckle and night-scented stock tinged with their sweet garden perfume the cool airs from the moor.

Project Gutenberg
Nightfall from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.