The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
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The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
To win brief praise and then inglorious die. 
Nay, death is not so hateful as when one
Desiring death is balked of that desire. 
And I beseech thee, ere in utter ruin
We perish and make desolate our race,
Refrain thy rage.  And I will guard for thee
In silence these thy words unrealized;
If thou wilt learn this wisdom from long time,
Having no strength, to bend before the strong.

CH.  Comply.  Than prudence and a heedful mind,
No fairer treasure can be found for men.

EL.  Thy words have not surprised me.  Well I knew
The good I offered would come back with scorn. 
I, all alone and with a single hand,
Must do this.  For it shall not rest undone.

CHR.  Would thou hadst been thus minded when our sire
Lay dying!  In one act thou hadst compassed all.

EL.  My spirit was the same:  my mind was less.

CHR.  Be such the life-long temper of thy mind!

EL.  Thine admonition augurs little aid.

CHR.  Yea.  For the attempt would bring me certain bane.

EL.  I envy thee thy prudence, hate thy fear.

CHR.  Even when thou speak’st me fair, I will endure it.

EL.  Take heart.  That never will be thine from me.

CHR.  Long time remains to settle that account.

EL.  I find no profit in thee.  Go thy way.

CHR.  Profit there is, hadst thou a mind to learn.

EL.  Go to thy mother and declare all this!

CHR.  I am not so in hatred of thy life.

EL.  Yet know the shame thou wouldst prepare for me.

CHR.  No, no!  Not shame, but care for thine estate.

EL.  Must I still follow as thou thinkest good?

CHR.  When thou hast wisdom, thou shalt be the guide.

EL.  ’Tis hard when error wears the garb of sense.

CHR.  Right.  That is the misfortune of your case.

EL.  Why?  Feel you not the justice of my speech?

CHR.  Justice may chance to bring me injury.

EL.  I care not, I, to live by such a rule.

CHR.  Well, if you do it, you will find me wise.

EL.  Well, I will do it, nought dismayed by thee.

CHR.  Speak you plain sooth? and will you not be counselled?

EL.  No, for bad counsel is of all most hateful.

CHR.  You take the sense of nothing that I say.

EL.  Long since, not newly, my resolve is firm.

CHR.  Then I will go.  Thy heart will ne’er be brought
To praise my words, nor I thine action here.

EL.  Then go within!  I will not follow thee,
Though thou desire it vehemently.  None
Would be so fond to hunt on a cold trail.

CHR.  If this seem wisdom to thee, then be wise
Thy way:  but in the hour of misery,
When it hath caught thee, thou wilt praise my words.
                                        [Exit CHRYSOTHEMIS

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Plays in English Verse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.