The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
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The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.

CR.  Not so, if thou wouldst reason with thyself
As I do.  First consider one thing well: 
Who would choose rule accompanied with fear
Before safe slumbers with an equal sway? 
’Tis not my nature, no, nor any man’s,
Who follows wholesome thoughts, to love the place
Of domination rather than the power. 
Now, without fear, I have my will from thee;
But were I king, I should do much unwillingly. 
How then can I desire to be a king,
When masterdom is mine without annoy? 
Delusion hath not gone so far with me
As to crave more than honour joined with gain. 
Now all men hail me happy, all embrace me;
All who have need of thee, call in my aid;
For thereupon their fortunes wholly turn. 
How should I leave this substance for that show? 
No man of sense can harbour thoughts of crime. 
Such vain ambition hath no charm for me,
Nor could I bear to lend it countenance. 
If you would try me, go and ask again
If I brought Phoebus’ answer truly back. 
Nay more, should I be found to have devised
Aught in collusion with the seer, destroy me,
Not by one vote, but two, mine own with thine. 
But do not on a dim suspicion blame me
Of thy mere will.  To darken a good name
Without clear cause is heinous wickedness;
And to cast off a worthy friend I call
No less a folly than to fling away
What most we love, the life within our breast. 
The certainty of this will come with time;
For time alone can clear the righteous man. 
An hour suffices to make known the villain.

CH.  Prudence bids hearken to such words, my lord,
For fear one fall.  Swift is not sure in counsel.

OED. When he who hath designs on me is swift
In his advance, I must bethink me swiftly. 
Should I wait leisurely, his work hath gained
Achievement, while my plans have missed success.

CR.  What would you then?  To thrust me from the land?

OED. Nay, death, not exile, is my wish for thee,
When all have seen what envy brings on men.

[CR.  You’ll ne’er relent nor listen to my plea.][4]

OED. You’ll ne’er be governed or repent your guilt.

CR.  Because I see thou art blind.

OED. Not to my need.

CR.  Mine must be thought of too.

OED. You are a villain.

CR.  How if thy thought be vain?

OED. Authority
Must be maintained.

CR.  Not when authority
Declines to evil.

OED. O my citizens!

CR.  I have a part in them no less than you.

LEADER OF CH.  Cease, princes.  Opportunely I behold
Jocasta coming toward you from the palace. 
Her presence may attune your jarring minds.


JOCASTA.  Unhappy that ye are, why have ye reared
Your wordy rancour ’mid the city’s harms? 
Have you no shame, to stir up private broils
In such a time as this?  Get thee within! (To OED)
And thou too, Creon! nor enlarge your griefs
To make a mountain out of nothingness.

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Plays in English Verse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.