The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
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The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.

Whom hath the voice from Delphi’s rocky throne I 1
      Loudly declared to have done
Horror unnameable with murdering hand? 
      With speed of storm-swift car
      ’Tis time he fled afar
With mighty footstep hurrying from the land. 
      For, armed with lightning brand,
The son of Zeus assails him with fierce bounds,
Hunting with Death’s inevitable hounds.

Late from divine Parnassus’ snow-capped height I 2
      This utterance sprang to light,
To track by every path the man unknown. 
      Through woodland caverns deep
      And o’er the rocky steep
Harbouring in caves he roams the wild alone,
      With none to share his moan. 
Shunning that prophet-voice’s central sound,
Which ever lives, and haunts him, hovering round.

The reverend Seer hath stirred me with strange awe.  II 1
Gainsay I cannot, nor yet think him true. 
I know not how to speak.  My fluttering heart
In wild expectancy sees nothing clear. 
Things past and future with the present doubt
Are shrouded in one mist.  What quarrel lay
‘Twixt Cadmus’ issue and Corinthus’ heir
Was never shown me, from old times till now,
By one on whose sure word I might rely
In running counter to the King’s fair fame,
To wreak for Laius that mysterious death.

Zeus and Apollo scan the ways of men II 2
With perfect vision.  But of mortals here
That soothsayers are more inspired than I
What certain proof is given?  A man through wit
May pass another’s wisdom in the race. 
But never, till I see the word fulfilled,
Will I confirm their clamour ’gainst the King. 
In open day the female monster came: 
Then perfect witness made his wisdom clear. 
Thebe hath tried him and delights in him. 
Wherefore my heart shall still believe him good.

Enter CREON.

CR.  Citizens, hearing of dire calumny
Denounced on me by Oedipus the King,
I am here to make loud protest.  If he think,
In this embroilment of events, one word
Or deed of mine hath wrought him injury,
I am not careful to prolong my life
Beneath such imputation.  For it means
No trifling danger, but disastrous harm,
Making my life dishonoured in the state,
And meanly thought of by my friends and you.

CH.  Perchance ’twas but the sudden flash of wrath,
Not the deliberate judgement of the soul.

CR.  Who durst declare it[3], that Tiresias spake
False prophecies, set on to this by me?

CH.  Such things were said, I know not how advised.

CR.  And were the eyes and spirit not distraught,
When the tongue uttered this to ruin me?

CH.  I cannot say.  To what my betters do
I am blind.  But see, the King comes forth again.


Project Gutenberg
The Seven Plays in English Verse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.