The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
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The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
Made foolish answer to his prudent sire. 
  ‘My son,’ said Telamon, ’choose victory
Always, but victory with an aid from Heaven.’ 
How loftily, how madly, he replied! 
’Father, with heavenly help men nothing worth
May win success.  But I am confident
Without the Gods to pluck this glory down.’ 
So huge the boast he vaunted!  And again
When holy Pallas urged him with her voice
To hurl his deadly spear against the foe,
He turned on her with speech of awful sound: 
  ’Goddess, by other Greeks take thou thy stand;
Where I keep rank, the battle ne’er shall break.’ 
Such words of pride beyond the mortal scope
Have won him Pallas’ wrath, unlovely meed. 
But yet, perchance, so be it he live to-day,
We, with Heaven’s succour, may restore his peace.’—­
Thus far the prophet, when immediately
Teucer dispatched me, ere the assembly rose,
Bearing to thee this missive to be kept
With all thy care.  But if my speed be lost,
And Calchas’ word have power, the man is dead.

CH.  O trouble-tost Tecmessa, born to woe,
Come forth and see what messenger is here! 
This news bites near the bone, a death to joy.


TEC.  Wherefore again, when sorrow’s cruel storm
Was just abating, break ye my repose?

CH. (pointing to the Messenger). 
Hear what he saith, and how he comes to bring
News of our Aias that hath torn my heart.

TEC.  Oh me! what is it, man?  Am I undone?

MESS.  Thy case I know not; but of Aias this,
That if he roam abroad, ’tis dangerous.

TEC.  He is, indeed, abroad.  Oh! tell me quickly!

MESS.  ’Tis Teucer’s strong command to keep him close
Beneath this roof, nor let him range alone.

TEC.  But where is Teucer? and what means his word?

MESS.  Even now at hand, and eager to make known
That Aias, if he thus go forth, must fall.

TEC.  Alas! my misery!  Whence learned he this?

MESS.  From Thestor’s prophet-offspring, who to-day
Holds forth to Aias choice of life or death.

TEC.  Woe’s me!  O friends, this desolating blow
Is falling!  Oh, stand forward to prevent! 
And some bring Teucer with more haste, while some
Explore the western bays and others search
Eastward to find your hero’s fatal path! 
For well I see I am cheated and cast forth
From the old favour.  Child, what shall I do? [Looking at EURYSAKES
We must not stay.  I too will fare along,
go far as I have power.  Come, let us go. 
Bestir ye!  ’Tis no moment to sit still,
If we would save him who now speeds to die.

CH.  I am ready.  Come!  Fidelity of foot,
And swift performance, shall approve me true. [Exeunt omnes

The scene changes to a lonely wooded spot.

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Plays in English Verse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.