The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
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The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.

OED. Prince, thou art come to my desire.  Some God
Hath happily directed this thy way.

THE.  What is befallen?  Son of Laius, tell!

OED. My path slopes downward, and before my death
I would confirm to Athens and to thee
My promised boon.

THE.  What sign dost thou perceive
That proves thine end so near?

OED. The Gods themselves
With herald voices are proclaiming it,
Nought failing of the fore-appointed signs.

THE.  What are these tokens, aged monarch, say?

OED. The loud continual thunder, and the darts
That flash in volleys from the unconquered hand.

THE.  I may not doubt thee; for thy speech, I feel,
Hath ample witness of prophetic power. 
What must I do?

OED. I will instruct thee now,
Aegeus’ great son! in rites that shall remain
An ageless treasure to thy countrymen. 
I will presently, with no man guiding me,
Conduct thee to the spot, where I must die. 
This is thy secret, not to be revealed
To any one of men, or where ’tis hid
Or whereabout it lies.  So through all time
This neighbouring[3] mound shall yield thee mightier aid
Than many a shield and help of alien spears. 
More shalt thou learn, too sacred to divulge,
When yonder thou art come thyself alone. 
Since to none other of these citizens
Nor even unto the children of my love
May I disclose it.  ’Tis for thee to keep
Inviolate while thou livest, and when thy days
Have ending, breathe it to the foremost man
Alone, and he in turn unto the next
Successively.  So shalt thou ever hold
Athens unravaged by the dragon brood[4]. 
Cities are numberless, and any one
May lightly insult even those who dwell secure. 
For the eye of Heaven though late yet surely sees
When, casting off respect, men turn to crime. 
Erechtheus’ heir! let that be far from thee! 
A warning needless to a man so wise! 
Now go we—­for this leading of the God
Is urgent—­to the place, nor loiter more. 
This way, my children! follow me!  For I
Am now your guide, as ye were mine.  Come on! 
Nay, touch me not, but leave me of myself
To find the holy sepulchre, wherein
This form must rest beneath Athenian soil. 
Come this way!  Come!  This way are leading me
Guide Hermes and the Queen of realms below. 
O Light, all dark to me!  In former time
Bright seemed thy shining!  Now thy latest ray
Sheds vital influence o’er this frame.  I go
To hide the close of my disastrous life
With Hades.  Kind Athenian friend, farewell! 
May’st thou, thy followers, and this glorious land
Be happy, and in your endless happiness
Remember him who blessed you in his death. [Exeunt

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Plays in English Verse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.