The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
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The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.

New trouble, strange trouble, deep laden with doom, I 1
From the sight-bereft stranger seems dimly to loom! 
      Or peers Fate through the gloom? 
She will move toward her mark or through shining or shade;
Since no purpose of Gods ever idly was made. 
Time sees the fulfilment, who lifteth to-day
What was lowly, and trampleth the lofty to clay. 
      Thunder!  Heavens! what a sound!

OED. My children!  Would but some one in the place
Haste hither Theseus, noblest among men!

ANT.  Wherefore, my father?  What is thy desire?

OED. These winged thunders of the Highest will soon
Bear me away to the Unseen.  Send quickly!

Again, yonder crash through the fire-startled air I 2
Wing’d from Zeus, rushes down, till my thin locks of hair,
      Stiff with fear, upward stare. 
My soul shrinks and cowers, for yon gleam from on high
Darts again!  Ne’er in vain hath it leapt from the sky,
But flies forth amain to what task Zeus hath given. 
I fear the unknown fatal edict of Heaven! 
      Lightning glares all around!

OED. My daughters, the divinely promised end
Here unavoidably descends on me.

ANT.  How dost thou know it?  By what certain sign?

OED. I know it perfectly.  Let some one go
With speed to bring the lord of Athens hither.

Great Heaven, how above me, beside me, around, II 1
      Peals redoubled the soul-thrilling sound! 
O our God, to this land, to our mother, if aught
Thou wouldst send with some darkness of destiny fraught,
Smile gently once more!  With the good let me bear
      What of fortune soe’er,—­
Taste no cup, touch no food, the doomed sinner may share. 
      Zeus, to thee, Lord, I cry!

OED. Is the King coming?  Will he find me alive,
My daughters, and with reason undisturbed?

ANT.  Say wherefore dost thou crave with such desire
The clearness of an undistracted mind?

OED. I would fully render from a grateful soul
The boon I promised, when I gained my suit.

CHORUS (looking towards Athens). 
Come, my chief! come with speed!  Or, if haply at hand, II 2
      On the height where the curved altars stand,
Thou art hallowing with oxen in sacrifice slain
Yonder shrine of Poseidon, dread lord of the main,
Hie thee hither!  Be swift!  The blind stranger intends
      To thee, to thy friends,
To thy city, for burdens imposed, just amends. 
      Haste thee, King!  Hear our cry!


THE.  Why sounds again from hence your joint appeal,
Wherein the stranger’s voice is loudly heard? 
Is it some lightning-bolt new-fallen from Zeus,
Or cloud-born hail that is come rattling down? 
From Heavens so black with storm nought can surprise.

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Plays in English Verse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.