The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
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The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.

CH.  Stranger, depart at once!  Thou hast done wrong,
And wrong art doing.

CR. (to attendants). 
                     Now then, lead her away
By force, if she refuse to go with you.

ANT.  Ah me! unhappy!  Whither shall I flee? 
What aid of God or mortal can I find?

CH.  What dost thou, stranger?

CR.  I will lay no hand
On him, but on my kinswoman.

OED. Alas! 
Lords of Colonos, will ye suffer it?

CH.  Thou art transgressing, stranger.

CR.  Nay, I stand
Within my right.

CH.  How so?

CR.  I take mine own.

OED. Athens to aid!

CH.  Stranger, forbear!  What dost thou? 
Let go, or thou shalt try thy strength with us.

CR.  Unhand me!

CH.  Not while this intent is thine.

CR.  If you harm me, you will have war with Thebes.

OED. Did I not tell you this would come?

CH.  Release
The maid with speed.

CR.  Command where you have power.

CH.  Leave hold, I say!

CR.  Away with her, say I!

CH.  Come hither, neighbours, come! 
My city suffers violence.  Wrongful men
Are hurting her with force.  Come hither to me!

ANT.  Unhappy, I am dragged away,—­O strangers!

OED. Where art thou, O my child?

ANT.  I go away
Against my will.

OED. Reach forth thy hands, my daughter!

ANT.  I cannot.

CR.  Off with her!

OED. Alas, undone! [Exit ANTIGONE, guarded

CR.  Thou shalt not have these staves henceforth to prop
Thy roaming to and fro.  Take thine own way! 
Since thou hast chosen to thwart thy nearest kin,—­
Beneath whose orders, though a royal man,
I act herein,—­and thine own native land. 
The time will surely come when thou shalt find
That in this deed and all that thou hast done
In opposition to their friendly will,
Thou hast counselled foolishly against thy peace,
Yielding to anger, thy perpetual bane. [Going

CH.  Stranger, stand where thou art!

CR.  Hands off, I say!

CH.  Thou shalt not go, till thou restore the maids.

CR.  Soon, then, my city shall retain from you
A weightier cause of war.  I will lay hands
Not on the maidens only.

CH.  What wilt thou do?

CR.  Oedipus I will seize and bear away.

CH.  Great Heaven forfend!

CR.  It shall be done forthwith,
Unless the ruler of this land prevent me.

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Plays in English Verse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.