The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
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The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.

HAEM.  All Thebes denies it.

CR.  Am I ruled by Thebes?

HAEM.  If youth be folly, that is youngly said.

CR.  Shall other men prescribe my government?

HAEM.  One only makes not up a city, father.

CR.  Is not the city in the sovereign’s hand?

HAEM.  Nobly you’d govern as the desert’s king.

CR.  This youngster is the woman’s champion.

HAEM.  You are the woman, then—­for you I care.

CR.  Villain, to bandy reasons with your sire!

HAEM.  I plead against the unreason of your fault.

CR.  What fault is there in reverencing my power?

HAEM.  There is no reverence when you spurn the Gods.

CR.  Abominable spirit, woman-led!

HAEM.  You will not find me following a base guide.

CR.  Why, all your speech this day is spent for her.

HAEM.  For you and me too, and the Gods below.

CR.  She will not live to be your wife on earth.

HAEM.  I know, then, whom she will ruin by her death.

CR.  What, wilt thou threaten, too, thou audacious boy?

HAEM.  It is no threat to answer empty words.

CR.  Witless admonisher, thou shalt pay for this!

HAEM.  Thou art my sire, else would I call thee senseless.

CR.  Thou woman’s minion! mince not terms with me,

HAEM.  Wouldst thou have all the speaking on thy side?

CR.  Is ’t possible?  By yon heaven! thou’lt not escape,
For adding contumely to words of blame. 
Bring out the hated thing, that she may die
Immediately, before her lover’s face!

HAEM.  Nay, dream not she shall suffer in my sight
Nor shalt thou ever see my face again
Let those stay with you that can brook your rage! [Exit

CH.  My lord, he is parted swiftly in deep wrath! 
The youthful spirit offended makes wild work.

CR.  Ay, let him do his worst.  Let him give scope
To pride beyond the compass of a man! 
He shall not free these maidens from their doom.

CH.  Is death thy destination for them both?

CR.  Only for her who acted.  Thou art right.

CH.  And what hast thou determined for her death?

CH.  Where human footstep shuns the desert ground,
I’ll hide her living in a cave like vault,
With so much provender as may prevent
Pollution from o’ertaking the whole city
And there, perchance, she may obtain of Death,
Her only deity, to spare her soul,
Or else in that last moment she will learn
’Tis labour lost to worship powers unseen. [Exit CREON

Love, never foiled in fight! 1
Warrior Love, that on Wealth workest havoc! 
Love, who in ambush of young maid’s soft cheek
All night keep’st watch!—­Thou roamest over seas. 
In lonely forest homes thou harbourest. 
Who may avoid thee?  None! 
Mortal, Immortal,
All are o’erthrown by thee, all feel thy frenzy.

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Plays in English Verse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.