The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
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The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.

NEO.  From Troy we made our course in sailing hither.

PHI.  How?  Sure thou wast not with us, when at first
We launched our vessels on the Troyward way?

NEO.  Hadst thou a share in that adventurous toil?

PHI.  And know’st thou not whom thou behold’st in me,
Young boy?

NEO.  How should I know him whom I ne’er
Set eye on?

PHI.  Hast not even heard my name,
Nor echoing rumour of my ruinous woe?

NEO.  Nay, I know nought of all thy questioning.

PHI.  How full of griefs am I, how Heaven-abhorred,
When of my piteous state no faintest sound
Hath reached my home, or any Grecian land! 
But they, who pitilessly cast me forth,
Keep silence and are glad, while this my plague
Blooms ever, and is strengthened more and more. 
Boy, great Achilles’ offspring, in this form
Thou seest the man, of whom, methinks, erewhile
Thou hast been told, to whom the Herculean bow
Descended, Philoctetes, Poeas’ son;
Whom the two generals and the Ithacan king
Cast out thus shamefully forlorn, afflicted
With the fierce malady and desperate wound
Made by the cruel basilisk’s murderous tooth. 
With this for company they left me, child! 
Exposed upon this shore, deserted, lone. 
  From seaward Chrysa came they with their fleet
And touched at Lemnos.  I had fallen to rest
From the long tossing, in a shadowy cave
On yonder cliff by the shore.  Gladly they saw,
And left me, having set forth for my need,
Poor man, some scanty rags, and a thin store
Of provender.  Such food be theirs, I pray! 
Imagine, O my son, when they were gone,
What wakening, what arising, then was mine;
What weeping, what lamenting of my woe! 
When I beheld the ships, wherewith I sailed,
Gone, one and all! and no man in the place,
None to bestead me, none to comfort me
In my sore sickness.  And where’er I looked,
Nought but distress was present with me still. 
No lack of that, for one thing!—­Ah! my son,
Time passed, and there I found myself alone
Within my narrow lodging, forced to serve
Each pressing need.  For body’s sustenance
This bow supplied me with sufficient store,
Wounding the feathered doves, and when the shaft,
From the tight string, had struck, myself, ay me! 
Dragging this foot, would crawl to my swift prey. 
Then water must be fetched, and in sharp frost
Wood must be found and broken,—­all by me. 
Nor would fire come unbidden, but with flint
From flints striking dim sparks, I hammered forth
The struggling flame that keeps the life in me. 
For houseroom with the single help of fire
Gives all I need, save healing for my sore. 
  Now learn, my son, the nature of this isle. 
No mariner puts in here willingly. 
For it hath neither moorage, nor sea-port,
For traffic or kind shelter or good cheer. 

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Plays in English Verse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.