The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
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The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
Collect and bear away the clotted gore
That clogs my wound, e’en where the monster snake
Had dyed the arrow with dark tinct of gall;
And thou shalt have this as a charm of soul
For Heracles, that never through the eye
Shall he receive another love than thine.’ 
Whereof bethinking me, for since his death
I kept it in a closet locked with care,
I have applied it to this robe, with such
Addition as his living voice ordained.—­
The thing is done.  No criminal attempts
Could e’er be mine.  Far be they from my thought,
As I abhor the woman who conceives them! 
But if by any means through gentle spells
And bonds on Heracles’ affection, we
May triumph o’er this maiden in his heart,
My scheme is perfected.  Unless you deem
Mine action wild.  If so, I will desist.

CH.  If any ground of confidence approve
Thine act, we cannot check thy counsel here.

DE.  My confidence is grounded on belief,
Though unconfirmed as yet by actual proof.

CH.  Well, do it and try.  Assurance cannot come
Till action bring experience after it.

DE.  The truth will soon be known.  The man e’en now
Is coming forth, and quickly will be there. 
Screen ye but well my counsel.  Doubtful deeds,
Wrapt close, will not deliver us to shame.


LICH.  Daughter of Oeneus, tell me thy commands. 
Already time rebukes our tardiness.

DE.  Even that hath been my care, Lichas, while thou
Wert talking to the stranger-maids within,
That thou shouldst take for me this finewoven web,
A present from these fingers to my lord. 
And when thou giv’st it, say that none of men
Must wear it on his shoulders before him;
And neither light of sun may look upon it,
Nor holy temple-court, nor household flame,
Till he in open station ’fore the Gods
Display it on a day when bulls are slaughtered. 
So once I vowed, that should I ever see
Or hear his safe return, I would enfold
His glorious person in this robe, and show
To all the Gods in doing sacrifice
Him a fresh worshipper in fresh array.—­
The truth hereof he will with ease descry
Betokened on this treasure-guarding seal.—­
Now go, and be advised, of this in chief,
To act within thine office; then of this,
To bear thee so, that from his thanks and mine
Meeting in one, a twofold grace may spring.

LICH.  If this my Hermes-craft be firm and sure,
Then never will I fail thee, O my Queen! 
But I will show the casket as it is
To whom I bear it, and in faithfulness
Add all the words thou sendest in fit place.

DE.  Go, then, at once.  Thou hast full cognizance
How things within the palace are preserved?

LICH.  I know, and will declare.  There is no flaw.

DE.  Methinks thou knowest too, for thou hast seen,
My kind reception of the stranger-maid?

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Plays in English Verse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.