The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.
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The Seven Plays in English Verse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Seven Plays in English Verse.

DE.  What mean’st thou, aged sir, by what thou sayest?

MESS.  That soon thy husband, envied all around,
Will come, distinguished with victorious might.

DE.  What citizen or stranger told thee this?

MESS.  Your herald Lichas, where the oxen graze
The summer meadow, cries this to a crowd. 
I, hearing, flew off hither, that being first
To bring thee word thereof, I might be sure
To win reward and gratitude from thee.

DE.  And how is he not here, if all be well?

MESS.  Crossed by no light impediment, my Queen. 
For all the Maliac people, gathering round,
Throng him with question, that he cannot move. 
But he must still the travail of each soul,
And none will be dismissed unsatisfied. 
Such willing audience he unwillingly
Harangues, but soon himself will come in sight.

DE.  O Zeus! who rulest Oeta’s virgin wold,
At last, though late, thou hast vouchsafed us joy. 
Lift up your voices, O my women! ye
Within the halls, and ye beyond the gate! 
For now we reap the gladness of a ray,
That dawns unhoped for in this rumour’s sound.

With a shout by the hearth let the palace roof ring
  From those that are dreaming of bridal, and ye,
Young men, let your voices in harmony sing
  To the God of the quiver, the Lord of the free! 
And the Paean withal from the maiden band
To Artemis, huntress of many a land,
    Let it rise o’er the glad roof tree,
To Phoebus’ own sister, with fire in each hand,
    And the Nymphs that her co-mates be! 
My spirit soars.  O sovereign of my soul! 
I will accept the thrilling flute’s control. [They dance
    The ivy-crowned thyrsus, see! 
    With Bacchic fire is kindling me,
    And turns my emulous tread
    Where’er the mazy dance may lead. 
Euoi!  Euoi! 
O Paean! send us joy. 
See, dearest Queen, behold! 
Before thy gaze the event will now unfold.

DE.  Think not mine eye hath kept such careless guard,
Dear maids, that I could miss this moving train. 
Herald, I bid thee hail, although so late
Appearing, if thou bringest health with thee!

Enter LICHAS, with Captive Women.

LICHAS. A happy welcome on a happy way,
As prosperous our achievement.  Meet it is
Good words should greet bright actions, mistress mine!

DE.  Kind friend, first tell me what I first would know—­
Shall I receive my Heracles alive?

LICH.  I left him certainly alive and strong: 
Blooming in health, not with disease oppressed.

DE.  In Greece, or in some barbarous country?  Tell!

LICH.  Euboea’s island hath a promontory,
Where to Cenaean Zeus he consecrates
Rich altars and the tribute of the ground.

DE.  Moved by an oracle, or from some vow?

LICH.  So vowed he when he conquered with the spear
The country of these women whom you see.

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Plays in English Verse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.