The Inside Story of the Peace Conference eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about The Inside Story of the Peace Conference.

The Inside Story of the Peace Conference eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about The Inside Story of the Peace Conference.

Just as Tyrol’s loss of Botzen and Meran made it dependent on Bavaria, so the severance of Vienna from southern Moravia—–­ the source of its cereal supplies, situated at a distance of only thirty-six miles—­transformed the Austrian capital into a head without a body.  But on the eminent anatomists who were to perform a variety of unprecedented operations on other states, this spectacle had no deterrent effect.

Whenever a topic came up for discussion which could not be solved offhand, it was referred to a commission, and in many cases the commission was assisted by a mission which proceeded to the country concerned and within a few weeks returned with data which were assumed to supply materials enough for a decision, even though most of its members were unacquainted with the language of the people whose condition they had been studying.  How quick of apprehension these envoys were supposed to be may be inferred from the task with which the American mission under General Harbord was charged, and the space of time accorded him for achieving it.  The members of this mission started from Brest in the last decade of August for the Caucasus, making a stay at Constantinople on the way, and were due back in Paris early in October.  During the few intervening weeks “the mission,” General Harbord said, “will go into every phase of the situation, political, racial, economic, financial, and commercial.  I shall also investigate highways, harbors, agricultural and mining conditions, the question of raising an Armenian army, policing problems, and the raw materials of Armenia."[98] Only specialists who have some practical acquaintanceship with the Caucasus, its conditions, peoples, languages, and problems, can appreciate the herculean effort needed to tackle intelligently any one of the many subjects all of which this improvised commission under a military general undertook to master in four weeks.  Never was a chaotic world set right and reformed at such a bewildering pace.

Bad blood was caused by the distribution of places on the various commissions.  The delegates of the lesser nations, deeming themselves badly treated, protested vehemently, and for a time passion ran high.  Squabbles of this nature, intensified by fierce discussions within the Council, tidings of which reached the ears of the public outside, disheartened those who were anxious for the speedy restoration of normal conditions in a world that was fast decomposing.  But the optimism of the three principal plenipotentiaries was beyond the reach of the most depressing stumbles and reverses.  Their buoyant temper may be gaged from Mr. Balfour’s words, reported in the press:  “It is true that there is a good deal of discussion going on, but there is no real discord about ideas or facts.  We are agreed on the principal questions and there only remains to find the words that embody the agreements."[99] These tidings were welcomed at the time, because whatever defects were ascribed to

Project Gutenberg
The Inside Story of the Peace Conference from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.